
Area science event list

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 23:07, 29 January 2017 by (talk) (update)

See for the "instruction manual" for this list. January 2017 30 - 11AM - UMdPS - Detecting Gravitational Waves From Binary Black Hole Mergers for the First Time Ever With LIGO noon - UMdBS - What we can learn from listening to the ocean: three surprising examples of acoustic communication in animals UMdES - ACBBT 3:15PM - UMdMS - Equivariant A-theory 4PM - UMdBpS - Pushing and Pulling to properly position centrosomes in polarized cells UMdPS - EPT 4:30PM - UMdSS - SCRPS 31 - noon - NOAA - NCEP and the WMO Data Quality Monitoring System 12:30PM - UMdBS - Self-fertility triggers rapid genome shrinkage and loss of sperm competition proteins 1:15PM - UMdPS - ISPS 4PM - UMdPS - Jamming in biological systems February 1 - 10AM - UMdCSS - PhD Proposal: Quantifying flakiness and minimizing its effects on software testing 11AM - UMdCSS - Geosocial thematic signatures of place noon - UMdBS - Biofilm associated infections and autoimmunity NOAA - Enhancing Global Climate Change Adaptation Capacity in the Pacific Small Island Developing States 2PM - UMdPS - Gravity Theory Seminar UMdMS - Fast advection asymptotics for two-dimensional stochastic incompressible viscous fluids and SPDEs on graphs - CSCAMM Ramseyas Theorem 3PM - UMdPS - LPS JQI Special Seminar UMdMS - Ricci iteration and Monge-Ampere equation 3:15PM - UMdMS - A toy model for three-dimensional conformal probability 3:30PM - UMdPS - NTS 2 - 11AM - UMdBS - Calcivirus replication: quest for virus receptors 1:30PM - UMdPS - JQI Special Seminar 2PM - UMdBS - Sorcerer's Apprentice: Achieving >99% recall and precision in metagenome sequencing read to gene assifnment UMdPS - CNAM UMdMS - Thermodynamics of the Katok map 3PM - UMdMS - Hopf's Argument for Ergodicity of the Geodesic Flow 3:30PM - UMdES - Environmental data fusion: combining satellite remote sensing and data assimilation techniques for NWP and situational awareness UMdMS - Adaptive Estimation in Two-Way Sparse Reduced Rank Regression 4PM - UMdBS - National Park Roads: Balancing preservation and access in iconic American landscapes 3 - 10AM - UMdBS - The current future of human electrophysiology: From circuit motifs to patient diagnostics noon - UMdBS - CBMG Editing butterfly genomes to study how color patterns form and diversify 12:15PM - UMdPS - JQI-QuICS-CMTC Lunch Seminar 1PM - UMdPS - MSE Seminar Series 5 - 8PM - UMd. Obs. - 2017 Observing Highlights 6 - 11AM - UMdPS - JQI Seminar 11:15AM - UMdSS - PALS noon - UMdES - Characterizing key processes controlling variability in the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere 4PM - UMdBpS 4:30PM - UMdSS - SCRPS 5:30PM - GMU Obs. 7 - noon - NOAA - Space Weather 3:30PM - UMdMS - Grid-adaptation for large eddy simulations of statistically stationary turbulent flows 4PM - UMdPS 8PM - STScI - Mapping the Heavens: The Radical Scientific Ideas That Reveal the Cosmos 8 - 11AM - UMdCSS - CLIP noon - UMdBS - Polygenic Adaptation and Architecture of Human Complex Traits 3:15PM - UMdMS 9 - 12:30PM - UMdMS - Integrability of Matrix Riccati Equations that Arise in Hydrodynamics 2PM - UMdBS - Metaviz: interactive statistical and visual analysis of metagenomic data UMdPS - CNAM UMdMS - A result of Dorothy Maharam from 1965, Then and Now 3:30PM - UMdES - Paris Climate Agreement: Beacon of Hope 6PM - DASER - Regional Forum: Conceptual Collisions in the D.C. Area (registration & photo ID required) 10 - 10AM - UMdBS - The influences of chemosensory signaling on "mission-critical" mammalian behavior 10:30AM - UMdEgS - A Particle Walks into an Interface... noon - UMdBS - CBMG 7PM - BUGSS - Science SLAM! 8PM - PSW - After the James Webb Space Telescope 11 - 1:30PM - NCAS - The Original Nightmare: Sleep Paralysis and the Paranormal 7:30PM - NCA - Planet-Forming Disks Around Stars 13 - 11AM - UMdPS - JQI Seminar 11:15AM - UMdSS - PALS noon - UMdES - ACBBT 4:30PM - UMdSS - SCRPS 14 - 12:30PM - UMdBS - Evo Gen Seminar 1PM - ST - Let's Get Spacey (registration required) 4PM - UMdPS 7:30PM - HacDC - monthly meeting 15 - 11AM - UMdCSS - CLIP 7:30PM - NCAS - A Rational Approach to Oral Tradition and Stonehenge 16 - 11AM - UMdBS - VMS 2PM - UMdBS - CBCB/CBBG RIP UMdPS - CNAM 3:30PM - UMdES - DS 7PM - HAL - The 100 Year History of Gravity Waves, and the LISA/LISA Pathfinder Missions 17 - noon - UMdBS - CBMG Entomology Colloquium 3:15PM - UMdMS 20 - 11:15AM - UMdSS - PALS noon - UMdES - ACBBT 4PM - UMdBpS - Lipids in Motion and the Energy to Get them "there" 8PM - UMd. Obs. 21 - 4PM - UMdPS 22 - 11AM - UMdCSS - CLIP 23 - 11:30AM - NOAA - Following my dreams noon - NOAA - Why Coral Restoration Doesn't Work and How to Fix It 2PM - UMdBS - CBCB/CBBG RIP UMdPS - CNAM 3:30PM - UMdES - DS 7:30PM - ASG 24 - noon - CBMG 8PM - PSW - The Next Space Race 27 - 11AM - UMdPS - JQI Seminar 11:15AM - UMdSS - PALS noon - UMdBS - BISI-BEES Seminar Series UMdES - ACBBT 4:30PM - UMdSS - SCRPS 28 - 12:30PM - UMdBS - Evo Gen Seminar 4PM - UMdPS March 2 - 3:30PM - UMdES - DS 5 - 8PM - UMd. Obs. 6 - 11:15AM - UMdSS - PALS noon - UMdES - ACBBT 4PM - UMdBpS 4:30PM - UMdSS - SCRPS 7PM - GMU Obs. - Searching for Dark Matter in the Sky and in the Lab 9 - 2PM - NOAA - National Park Service Alaska "GPS on Bench Marks" Projects 3:30PM - UMdES - DS 10 - 8PM - PSW 11 - 7:30PM - NCA - ASTRO-H/Hitomi, The Wonderful Brief Life of an X-ray Telescope 13 - 11:15AM - UMdSS - PALS noon - UMdES - ACBBT 4:30PM - UMdSS - SCRPS 16 - 3:30PM - UMdES - DS 7PM - HAL - Education, Public Outreach and Research at a Small Observatory 20 - 8PM - UMd. Obs. 24 - 8PM - PSW 27 - 11:15AM - UMdSS - PALS noon - UMdES - ACBBT 4PM - UMdBpS 4:30PM - UMdSS - SCRPS 7PM - GMU Obs. - The Search for Habitable Worlds & Alien Life in our Galaxy 30 - 3:30PM - UMdES - DS 7:30PM - ASG - Measuring Land Ice from Space April 3 - noon - UMdES - ACBBT 4PM - UMdBpS 4:30PM - UMdSS - SCRPS 5 - 3:15PM - UMdMS 8PM - UMd. Obs. - Studying the Shape of the Universe 6 - 3:30PM - UMdES - DS 7 - 8PM - PSW 8 - 7:30PM - NCA - What Are the Fermi Bubbles? 10 - noon - UMdES - ACBBT 4:30PM - UMdSS - SCRPS 7:30PM - GMU Obs. - The Early Life of Planet Earth 12 - noon - UMdBS - Regulation of protein functions through 3'-UTR-mediated protein-protein interactions. 13 - 3:30PM - UMdES - DS 17 - 11:15AM - UMdSS - PALS noon - UMdES - ACBBT 4PM - UMdBpS 4:30PM - UMdSS - SCRPS 19 - 11AM - UMdCSS - CLIP 20 - 3:30PM - UMdES - DS 7PM - HAL - DSCOVR 8PM - UMd. Obs. 23 - noon-5PM - Rockville Science Day 24 - 11:15AM - UMdSS - PALS noon - UMdES - ACBBT 4PM - UMdBpS 4:30PM - UMdSS - SCRPS 7:30PM - GMU Obs. - Debris Disks: Finding Planets Using the Mess They Leave Behind 26 - 3:15PM - UMdMS 27 - 3:30PM - UMdES - DS 7:30PM - ASG 28 - 8PM - PSW - The Mosquito, Synthetic Biology and Malaria May 1 - 11:15AM - UMdSS - PALS noon - UMdES - ACBBT 4PM - UMdBpS 4:30PM - UMdSS - SCRPS 4 - 3:30PM - UMdES - DS 5 - 9PM - UMd. Obs. - Asteroid Rotation Period Results from ASTR 315 Student Research 8 - 11:15AM - UMdSS - PALS noon - UMdES - ACBBT 4:30PM - UMdSS - SCRPS 11 - 3:30PM - UMdES - DS 12 - 8PM - PSW 13 - 7:30PM - NCA - The Challenges of Directly Imaging Earthlike Exoplanets Around Nearby Stars 25 - 7:30PM - ASG