
Crypto Party 2017

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 17:54, 8 January 2017 by Summakor (talk | contribs) (first draft)

This is an internal working wiki page to assist in cryptoparty organization.

Morning Session, suggested topics:

Order, Time, Presenter(s), Title

1, 10:30 am, Enrique/etc, Welcome to HacDC 2, 10:35 am, Enrique, Why do computers suck at security?

2.1, Software Flaw Example: Buffer Overflow
2.2, Software Flaw Example: SQL Injection

3, 11:00 am, Enrique, Scams: Phishing and Spearphishing 4, 11:15 am, Enrique/Ankeet, Password Security, Hashing, Two-Factor Security 5, 11:30 am, Xavier, Introduction to Encryption 6, 11:45 am, Xavier, Digital Signatures & Certificates 7, 12:00 pm, Xavier, Domain Names and DNSSec 8, 12:15 pm, Ankeet?, PGP, Signal, Tor

Afternoon Session, suggested topics:

Order, Time, Presenter(s), Title

10, 1:00 pm, Lindsay Beck/Open Tech Fund 11, 1:30 pm, Ross Schulman/Open Tech Institute 12, 2:00 pm, Heather West/Mozilla 13, 2:30 pm, TBA (Cyberwar, attribution of cyberattacks) 14, 3:00 pm, TBA/Discussion 15, 3:30 pm, TBA/Discussion

Evening Session:

4pm+ Continued discussion at HacDC offices (Suite 212)