
Cube Operators Log

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Revision as of 21:49, 11 February 2015 by Nostromo (talk | contribs)

When you use the Cube, please add notes here. Newest at top.

  • James reports: Printer is operating well. There is slight warping of larger 4 inch parts on the corners but prints complete successfully. The part I was printing failed in a strange way (printed part was missing a geometric section). This might be due to forgetting to run heal in the software. Also when transferring the .cube file to the printer just use the USB key as it is far more reliable than the wifi. --Nostromo (talk) 13:49, 11 February 2015 (PST)
  • James reports: Performed Bed Leveling procedure (Ugh!!). Printing Wilson Piecemeal Y Idler. The print looks a little smooshed on the bottom. Consider recalibrating Z a little higher. --Nostromo (talk) 17:36, 5 February 2015 (PST)
  • James reports: Printed 2nd part on this printer. Reset Z axis to 1.60z so that it wouldn't smoosh the part as much. seemes to have worked but has a little bit of warping of the edges of the 5" part I was printing. Removing the part is requiring long times in a water bath to permeate the glue underneath --Nostromo (talk) 16:01, 8 February 2015 (PST)