
How to Run an Event

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 18:34, 8 August 2008 by Katie (talk | contribs)
  1. Have an idea for an event. :)
  2. Plan where and how to present your content.
    1. The lab space (capacity: x people)
      1. Is there a working projector in the space?
      2. There are a couple of whiteboards you can use.
    2. The auditorium (capacity: y people)
    3. The sanctuary (capacity: z people)
  3. Assemble any necessary parts.
  4. Use the Church's calendar, if applicable, and Event Calendar to schedule a date and time. Please try not to overlap with other HacDC events. Also, please try to give potential participants at least a week's notice.
  5. Add the event description, including date and time and anything participants should bring, to Category:Classes. Clearly note if this is a public or HacDC member-only event.
  6. Publicize!
    1. Send an e-mail to the hacdc mailing list and possibly to Friends of HacDC.
    2. Blog it.
    3. If it's a public event, consider notifying other groups whose members might be interested. One place to check is this list of DC-area geeky groups.
    4. If it's a public event, get it listed on DC Tech Events. (If our event calendar isn't automatically pulled in by that site...)
  7. Run the event. Share your knowledge. Have fun. Take some pictures.
  8. How did it go? Blog it! Have suggestions for next time? Add them here!