
Area science event list: Difference between revisions

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Oct. 2018
Oct. 2018
10 - 11AM - UMdGcS - Imaging cropland on the Delmarva peninsula and how we balance water quality with feeding 30 million people
11 - 4PM - UMdBS - The pre-Colonial and post-Colonial Chesapeake Bay
            UMdCSS - A Family of Neural Models for Voice Query Understanding on an Entertainment Platform
                    Recovering quantum gates from few average gate fidelities
            UMdCS - Super-Resolution Microscopy Resolves Active Sites of Nanocatalysts at Sub-Particle Scale
    noon - UMdES - The NASA Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System
            UMdBS - BCBMS
            NOAA - Assessing the Impact of Underwater Sound on Marine Mammal Hearing in R Shiny: Increasing Accessibility of Tools for Managers and Stakeholders
    12:30PM - UMdSS - Current status of Giant Magellan Telescope
    1PM - NOAA - American Lobster in a Pinch? Epizootic Shell Disease and the Decline of the Southern New England Stock
    2PM - UMdPS - Nonlinear Optics with Rydberg Excitons
          UMdMS - Advances and challenges in global sensitivity analysis
                  Unitary Representations and Hodge Theory II
    2:30PM - UMdPS - Anisotropies in the Gravitational Wave Background from Cosmological Phase Transitions
    3PM - UMdMS - Casimir Element of a Lie Algebra
          NOAA - The SPOC (SPectral Ocean Color Imager) CubeSat Mission
                  Science in support of ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM): where do we all fit in?
    3:30PM - UMdPS - Changes in particle transport as a result of resonant magnetic perturbations
    4:05PM - UMdSS - NICER Early Operations and Initial Results
    7:30PM - HacDC - Elecraft KX3 portable transceiver
    8PM - NASM - Surprising Humanitarian Roles of Drones (ticket required)
11 - 11AM - UMdBS - Neuron-Specific Regulation of Herpes Simplex Virus Infection: Mechanism of Divergent Disease
            UMdPS - An encoded qubit in a trapped-ion oscillator
    12:30PM - UMdPS - Constructing Chaotic Coordinates for non-integrable dynamical systems
              UMdBS - CBMG/MOCB RIP
    1PM - UMdPS - Nucleon electric dipole moments from Lattice QCD
    2PM - UMdPS - Probing many-body interactions through excitons in monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides
          UMdMS - Cohomological equations and Ruelle resonances
    3:30PM - UMdES - Spati-temporal Reconstruction of Land Surface Temperatures from Daily Max/Min Temperature Records.
              UMdMS - An efficient procedure to combine biomarkers with limits of detection for risk prediction
    4PM - UMdBS - The pre-Colonial and post-Colonial Chesapeake Bay
     7PM - RSC MoCo Makers Group
     7PM - RSC MoCo Makers Group
           UMdPS - Physics is Phun: Induction
           UMdPS - Physics is Phun: Induction
12 - 9AM - UMdEgS - 3Rs and its application in toxicology 10:15AM - UMdBS - Leveraging olfaction to study innate behavior in the mouse
12 - 9AM - UMdEgS - 3Rs and its application in toxicology
    10:15AM - UMdBS - Leveraging olfaction to study innate behavior in the mouse
     11AM - UMdCSS - Behavior-Driven Optimizations for Big Data Exploration
     11AM - UMdCSS - Behavior-Driven Optimizations for Big Data Exploration
     noon - UMdBS - Insect herbivory impacts leaf-litter nitrogen with cascading effects on detritivory but not on plant growth
     noon - UMdBS - Insect herbivory impacts leaf-litter nitrogen with cascading effects on detritivory but not on plant growth
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     1PM - UMdPS - Identifying Individual Molecules with Single Nanometer-Scale Pores
     1PM - UMdPS - Identifying Individual Molecules with Single Nanometer-Scale Pores
                   LIGHT, MATERIALS, interACTION: An Overview of the Leite Lab
                   LIGHT, MATERIALS, interACTION: An Overview of the Leite Lab
     1:30PM - UMdEgS - Towards predictive moseling of molecular materials at extremes
     1:30PM - UMdEgS - Towards predictive modeling of molecular materials at extremes
     2PM - UMdCSS - Entanglement structure of current-driven diffusive fermion systems
     2PM - UMdCSS - Entanglement structure of current-driven diffusive fermion systems
     3PM - UMdMS - Segre classes & Gysin homomorphisms
     3PM - UMdMS - Segre classes & Gysin homomorphisms
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13 - 1:30PM - NCAS - Investigating Mysteries: Out-of-the-Box Thinking that Solved Strange Cases
13 - 1:30PM - NCAS - Investigating Mysteries: Out-of-the-Box Thinking that Solved Strange Cases
     7:30PM - NCA - The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART): Defending the Earth from Asteroids
     7:30PM - NCA - The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART): Defending the Earth from Asteroids
14 - 9AM - UMdCS - Applied Photochemistry for Multicolor Photolithography 3PM - RSC - Convolutions Neural Networks..... How a AI program recognizes a Dog from a Cat
14 - 9AM - UMdCS - Applied Photochemistry for Multicolor Photolithography
    3PM - RSC - Convolutions Neural Networks..... How a AI program recognizes a Dog from a Cat
     7PM - NoVAC
     7PM - NoVAC
15 - 11AM - UMdPS - JQI
15 - 11AM - UMdPS - JQI
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     7PM - BUGSS - The flu: truth and fiction.
     7PM - BUGSS - The flu: truth and fiction.
10 - 7:30PM - NCA - What is on the surface of Venus?
10 - 7:30PM - NCA - What is on the surface of Venus?
    8PM - NASM - Surprising Roles of Drones (ticket required)
12 - 11AM - IBBR - Development and Application of the Thrombin Generation Test: Biolayer Interferometry Measurements of Protein Interactions
12 - 11AM - IBBR - Development and Application of the Thrombin Generation Test: Biolayer Interferometry Measurements of Protein Interactions
     noon - UMdBS - Untangling drivers of biodiversity from local to global scales
     noon - UMdBS - Untangling drivers of biodiversity from local to global scales

Revision as of 19:28, 11 October 2018

See for the "instruction manual" for this list. Oct. 2018 11 - 4PM - UMdBS - The pre-Colonial and post-Colonial Chesapeake Bay 7PM - RSC MoCo Makers Group UMdPS - Physics is Phun: Induction 12 - 9AM - UMdEgS - 3Rs and its application in toxicology 10:15AM - UMdBS - Leveraging olfaction to study innate behavior in the mouse 11AM - UMdCSS - Behavior-Driven Optimizations for Big Data Exploration noon - UMdBS - Insect herbivory impacts leaf-litter nitrogen with cascading effects on detritivory but not on plant growth Bacterial signaling nucleotides and chronic infections 1PM - UMdPS - Identifying Individual Molecules with Single Nanometer-Scale Pores LIGHT, MATERIALS, interACTION: An Overview of the Leite Lab 1:30PM - UMdEgS - Towards predictive modeling of molecular materials at extremes 2PM - UMdCSS - Entanglement structure of current-driven diffusive fermion systems 3PM - UMdMS - Segre classes & Gysin homomorphisms 3:15PM - UMdMS - Effective stability in quasi-periodic dynamics. 7PM - BUGSS - Science in the Renaissance: The mind of Leonardo da Vinci. UMdPS - Physics is Phun: Induction 13 - 1:30PM - NCAS - Investigating Mysteries: Out-of-the-Box Thinking that Solved Strange Cases 7:30PM - NCA - The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART): Defending the Earth from Asteroids 14 - 9AM - UMdCS - Applied Photochemistry for Multicolor Photolithography 3PM - RSC - Convolutions Neural Networks..... How a AI program recognizes a Dog from a Cat 7PM - NoVAC 15 - 11AM - UMdPS - JQI noon - UMdBS - BISI Dissertation Seminar: Julie Chot BBS UMdES - SI-Traceable Calibration of Satellite Microwave Radiometers 3PM - UMdPS - On lepton flavor universality violations 4:30PM - UMdSS - Advanced X-ray Imaging Satellite 6:30PM - GMU Obs. - New Horizons: From Pluto to Ultima Thule 16 - 11AM - UMdCS - Chemical Biology - mRNA Display UMdEgS - Properties of Poly(Alkylene Carbonate) polymers and their uses in industrial applications. 12:30PM - UMdBS - Mechanisms of Cichlid diversity: Examples from studies of cichlid vision 1:15PM - UMdPS - ISPS 3:30PM - UMdBS - ANSC UMdMS - The ICDD (Interface Control Domain Decomposition) method for the solution of Multiphysics problems Accuracy of High-Dimensional Deep Learning Networks 4PM - UMdPS - Vibrations, Quanta and Biology 6:30PM - MAA - Innumaracy in the Lab and in the Wild: A Focus on Efficacy and Action with Numbers (registration) 7PM - RSC - Contributions and Relevance of Fluorescent Proteins 17 - 11AM - UMdCS - An Inside Story: Controlling, Separating, and Characterizing the Effects of Filling the Interior of Nanotubes UMdGcS UMdCSS - CLIP noon - UMdBS - BCBMS NOAA - Models & Databases for Restoration & Management of Gulf of Mexico Fisheries 1PM - APS - A Primer on the Physics of Free-Electron Lasers 4:05PM - UMdSS - Waterfalls or Rain: How does gas get into galaxies? 6:30PM - CI CSE - Restoring and Protecting Earth's Wild Beauty (registration required) 7PM - PtSW - From Filter-Feeding Plesiosaurs to Miocene Megalodon (a double-header) 18 - 11AM - UMdCS noon - NOAA - Instrument Calibration and Radiance Validation of GOES-R ABI Forecasting Bird Migration at Continental Scales 12:30PM - UMdPS - Bifurcations in dynamical control systems for aerospace applications UMdBS - CBMG/MOCB RIP 1PM - UMdPS - Pseudo Parton Distributions from Lattice QCD 2PM - UMdPS - Topologically protected Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces 3PM - UMdBS - CBCB/CBBG RIP 3:30PM - UMdES - Blue Carbon, Green Infrastructure, and Nature & Human Health: Science to Support Ecosystem Management 4PM - UMdBS - Development of molecular technologies for novel crop trait research 5:30PM - UMdGS - Acid Rain: A long and unfinished journey from discovery to political action (registration) 6PM - RSC YASC - My Life in Cancer Research: An Unexpected Journey 6:30PM - DASER - Integration: Art and STEM (registration & photo ID required) CI NLS - Deep Blue Planet (registration recommended) 7PM - HAL - A Lifelong Journey in Astronomy. RSC - MoCo Makers Group 19 - 10:15AM - UMdBS - Phylogenetic and individual variability of neural circuits underlying swimming behaviors in sea slugs 10:45AM - UMdCSS - PhD Defense: Fusing Multimedia Data into Dynamic Virtual Environments noon - UMdBS - Evolution of Hawaiian Insects: Insights from Phylogeny, Ecology and Genomics UMdPS - Thermodynamics of individual one-dimensional Bose gases 1PM - UMdPS - Control of Topological Defects and Particles in Liquid Crystals 3PM - UMdGS - Lessons Learned from Long-Term Studies of a Forest Ecosystem 8PM - PSW - Cube Sats A Giant Revolution in Space 20 - 4:30PM - UMdSS 9PM - UMd. Obs. - Spectrum Management and Astrophysics 22 - 11AM - UMdPS - Neutral atom quantum computing noon - UMdBS - BBS 4PM - UMdBpS - Exploiting active site water and thermodynamics to improve the discovery and design of new pharmaceutical compounds 4:30PM - UMdSS 23 - 10AM-3PM - NASM - Chemistry Day 11AM - UMdCS - Antimicrobial Resistance: Evolutionary Tales from the Protein Data Bank UMdPS - CMTC UMdEgS - CBmES noon - NOAA - Preparing Ocean Governance for Species on the Move 1PM - UMdBS - BISI Dissertation Seminar: Jonathan Goodson 1:15PM - UMdPS - ISPS 3:30PM - UMdBS - ANSC 4PM - UMdPS - Capturing Light on the Nanoscale 6:30PM - UMdSoT - 10 Amazing Facts About Vampires and Other Bats (registration) 24 - 11AM - UMdGcS UMdCSS - CLIP UMdCS noon - NOAA - NOAA Geospatial (Geographic Information System) Hot Topics UMdBS - Do differences make a difference: human immune responsiveness and single-cell variations 4:05PM - UMdSS - High-cadence Light Curves of Transients from the Kepler Telescope 25 - 11AM - UMdBS - Broad Cross-Protection by Universal Influenza Vaccines UMdCS noon - NOAA - Understanding Underwater Behavior of Humpback Whales to Mitigate Ship Strike and Entanglement 12:30PM - UMdPS - A method for numerical computation starting from a quasiperiodic trajectory UMdBS - Mycobacterium tuberculosis inhibits autocrine type I IFN signaling to increase intracellular survival 1PM - UMdPS - NTS 2PM - UMdPS - Spontaneously polarized half-gapped superconductivity 3PM - CBCB/CBBG RIP 3:30PM - UMdES - DS UMdCS - Deducing Molecular Compositions of Petroleum Products Using GC-field Ionization High Resolution Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry 4PM - UMdBS - Modifications to a Late Meristem Identity 1-like gene are responsible for the major leaf shapes of Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). 7PM - RSC - MoCo Makers Group 7:30PM - ASG - Scientific Visualization 26 - 9AM - UMdEgS - BeS 10:15AM - UMdBS - Stability in the Face of Change: Cognitive Supports and Cognitive Constraints in speech Comprehension by older adults with age-related hearing loss 11AM - UMdCSS - Applying ML & NLP at Google noon - UMdBS - Manipulation, deceit, and symbiosis by a terrifyingly carnivorous plant CBMG 1PM - UMdPS - MSES 3:15PM - UMdMS - On traffic modeling and the Braess paradox 28 - 3PM - RSC - Convolutions Neural Networks..... How a AI program recognizes a Dog from a Cat 29 - 11AM - UMdPS - JQI 11:15AM - UMdSS - The 46P/Wirtanen Campaign noon - UMdES - Principle Component Analysis Technique for Satellite Remote Sensing of Air Pollution UMdBS - BBS 3PM - UMdPS - Axions from Strings: the Attractive Solution 4PM - UMdBpS - Understanding the Complex Networks Driving Cellular Decisions 4:30PM - UMdSS 6PM - GMU Obs. - Extrasolar Planets: Exploring Alien Worlds 30 - 11AM - UMdCS - Host-Pathogen Genomics & Bioinformatics UMdPS - CMTC UMdMS - Density fitting: Analysis, algorithm and applications 12:30PM - UMdBS - Reversing evolution to study the genetics of species divergence 1:15PM - UMdPS - ISPS 3:30PM - UMdBS - ANSC 4PM - UMdBS - Twenty-five Years of National Science Foundation Broader Impacts: Inspiring a Generation of Women Scientists by Infusing Science into The X-Files (registration) UMdPS - How forces modulate cellular dynamics: from the immune response to gene expression UMdCSS - PhD Defense: Improving Efficiency and Generalization of Visual Recognition 31 - 11AM - UMdGcS UMdCSS - CLIP UMdCS noon - NOAA - Are fieldwork studies being relegated to second place in conservation science? UMdBS - BCBMS 4:05PM - UMdSS - AC Nov. 1 - 11AM - UMdCS - Factors Affecting Carbohydrate-Protein Binding: Understanding Influenza A Specificity UMdCSS - Ubiquitous Indoor Localization: The Indoor Eqivalent of GPS 12:30PM - UMdPS - Neeuronal coding in the insect olfactory system 2PM - UMdPS - Scale-invariant transport in high-temperature superconductors 3:30PM - UMdES - Multi-angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) 2 - noon - UMdBS - Vector physiology: from hormones to symbionts 3PM - UMdGS - Submarine volcanic eruptions: why some rocks float and others sink 8PM - PSW - Venus - Earth's Sister Planet The Next Mission 3 - 1-5PM - RSC - Maryland Maker Day 1:30PM - NCAS - The Disappearance of U.S.S. Cyclops: Lost Without a Trace. 5 - 11:15AM - UMdSS - The dust of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko noon - UMdBS - Evolutionary and Functional Genomics of Spider Silks 4:30PM - UMdSS - The gamma-ray determination of the Universe's star formation history 8PM - UMd. Obs. - Exploring Volcanoes on Earth, the Moon, and Mars 6 - 10AM - UMdCSS - PhD Defense: Planetary Scale Data Storage 11AM - UMdCS - Feast or Famine - Amino acid sensing on the tRNA by a mRNA UMdEgS - Towards design of molecular sieve membranes and catalysts noon - NOAA - Coastal Wetlands Reduce Disaster Risk, Protect Biodiversity, and Promote Human Health and Well-Being 4PM - UMdPS - Magic Angle Graphene: a New Platform for Strongly Correlated Physics 7 - 11AM - UMdGcS - Solar system initiation and its early, rapid growth and differentiation of planets UMdCS - Manipulation of Auger Effects in Quantum Dots noon - UMdBS - Quantitating gene expression control system-wide: progress and challenges 3:15PM - UMdMS - Making mathematical videos 4:05PM - UMdSS - New Windows on Giant Planet Structure and Composition 8 - 11AM - UMdCS - Challenges in Automating Carbohydrate Synthesis and Analysis 12:30PM - UMdBS - Molecular Determinants of Rhinovirus C Species Tropism UMdPS - Modeling methodologies for incorporating personal protection control strategies into vector-born disease systems: relationships and predictions for the influence of diversity amplification on outbreak severity 2PM - UMdPS - Organized Brownian Motion in Freestanding Graphene: A New Thermal Force 3PM - UMdBS - Interactive exploration of mutational signatures 3:30PM - UMdES - Dynamics of the Ocean and Atmosphere of Indonesia 6:30PM - CI NLS - The Geodynamo: A Unique Window into the Dynamics of Earth's Deep Interior (registration recommended) 9 - 10:15AM - UMdBS - Using molecular genetics to uncover the roots of social behaviors in cichlid fish 7PM - BUGSS - The flu: truth and fiction. 10 - 7:30PM - NCA - What is on the surface of Venus? 12 - 11AM - IBBR - Development and Application of the Thrombin Generation Test: Biolayer Interferometry Measurements of Protein Interactions noon - UMdBS - Untangling drivers of biodiversity from local to global scales 5:30PM - GMU Obs. - Observing Mars and the 4-day Old Moon with a Telescope 13 - 11AM - UMdCS - Engineering of Plant Receptors 4PM - UMdPS - Emerging Phenomena at a Quantum Phase Transition: the Magnetic Field-Tuned Superconductor to Insulator Transition 8PM - STScI - Observing with Hubble: From Scientific Idea to Published Result (and Everything in Between!) 14 - 11AM - UMdCS - Carbon Nanotube Transistor Technology for Extremely-Scaled Logic Devices 1PM - APS - Gravitational Waves and Light from Merging Neutron Stars 15 - 11AM - IBBR - Building a Synthetic Biology Discipline: Automated Design of Cellular Sensors, Circuits, and Pathways noon - NOAA - Marine Heatwaves under Global Warming: Discovering Risks for Marine Ecosystems Initial Geostationary Lightning Mapper Observations 3PM - UMdBS - What I learned at CSHL Biological Data Science 3:30PM - UMdES - Variability in Ozone Structure: Insights from Strategic Ozonesonde Networks UMdCS - Measurements of Mass-Dependent Azimuthal Anisotropy in Central p + Au, d + Au, and 3He + Au Collisions at SQRT(SNN) = 200 GeV 6:30PM - DASER - Creating Things That Matter: The Art and Science of Innovations that Last (registration & photo ID required) 7PM - HAL - Out of this World Astronomy: The Orbiting Astronomical Observatory-A2 16 - 10:15AM - UMdBS - Optimizing Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Children with Congenital Heart Disease 11AM - UMdCSS - Decoding epigenetic programs in differentiation and disease noon - UMdBS - Vive la Resistance: Evidence that Multidrug Resistance is an Ancient Stem Cell Trait 17 - 11AM - IBBR 19 - 4PM - UMdBpS - The "Art of Possibility": Weighted Ensembles of Trajectories 20 - 11AM -UMdCS - MS-based Approaches for the Elucidation of Nucleic Acid Higher-Order Structure and Dynamics 4PM - UMdPS - Are we quantum computers, or merely clever robots? 8PM - UMd. Obs. - all sky cameras? 26 - 5:30PM - GMU Obs. - Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array What it is; what it can do; and, the latest results. 27 - 11AM - UMdCS - Structural Biology, Immunology, and HIV noon - NOAA - Integration of Habitat Mapping & Acoustic Technologies to Advance Ecosystem Based Management 4PM - UMdCS - Sticking and Stacking: Building Molecular Cages, Channels and Gels UMdPS - Neutrino Astronomy at the South Pole with Ice Cube 28 - 6:30PM - UMdSoT - The Intersection of Water, Climate and Sustainability (registration) 29 - 12:30PM - Confining charged particle orbits using hidden symmetry 3:30PM - UMdES - NOAA's Ecological Forecasting Roadmap: Insight into Partnership Opportunities 30 - noon - UMdBS - Novel Plant-Insect Associations: Implications of the Lack of Coevolution December 4 - 11AM - UMdCS - P-bodies, Proteomics, and mRNA Degradation 4PM - UMdPS - Completing our picture of the neutrino 8PM - STScI - Black Holes and Other Dark Matters 5 - 11AM - UMdCSS - Experimentally bounding deviations from quantum theory in the landscape of generalized probabilistic theories ?UMdCS - New Mass Spectrometry Approaches for Detection of Synthetic Drugs, Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents, and Clinical Protein Markers 8PM - UMd. Obs. ASTR 310 Student Research 7 - 9AM - UMdEgS - Therapeutic ultrasound for cell stimulation and drug delivery 8 - 7:30PM - NCA - New Astronomy With Gravitational Waves 11 - 4PM - UMdPS - Science Journalism: Reporting and Writing for Physics 12 - 11AM - UMdCS - New Mass Spectrometry Approaches for Detection of Synthetic Drugs, Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents, and Clinical Protein Markers 13 - 11AM - UMdBS - Life is all about balance: "exhausted-like" tissue resident memory T cells balance immunity andfiboroticsequelae following acute influenza infection 20 - 8PM - UMd. Obs. - Cosmic Dust Near and Far