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April 2018
April 2018
17 - 11AM - UMdCS - The C9orf72 Nucleotide Repeat Expansion and Neurodegeneration: A Tale of Two Toxicities
    noon - NOAA - Assessing the Population Consequences of Disturbance on Migratory Baleen Whales
                  Exploring Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for NWP and Situational Awareness Applications
    1:15PM - UMdPS - Bridging Time Scales with Variationally Enhanced Sampling
    2PM - NOAA - Using the NOAA Institutional Repository (IR) as a research tool
          UMdMS - The pro-p-Iwahori-Hecke algebra of a reductive p-adic group
                  Stable denoising with generative networks
    3:15PM - UMdMS - Moduli Space of Dilation Surfaces
    3:30PM - UMdES - Water vapor transport and near-surface salinity contrasts in the North Atlantic Ocean
              UMdMS - Binary sequences and trees in model theory
    4PM - UMdPS - The Road to Nuclear Physics from Standard Model
    7PM - RSC - How you and I can change what we do to make a better county and world.
18 - 11AM - UMdCSS - CLIP
            UMdMS - Small random perturbations unlock hyperbolicity
            UMdCS - Why are Aerosols Important? Understanding the Links between Air Quality and Climate
    noon - NOAA - Sea Turtle Bycatch in U.S. Longline Fisheries: Do the Regulations Work?
            UMdBS - BCBMS
    1PM - Game Changing New Technologies for Community Risk Reduction (
          UMdPS - Beyond Thimbles: Integration Contours to Solve a Sign Problem
          UMdMS - Moduli spaces of dilation surfaces
    2PM - Preparing to Better Manage and Respond to Wildfire in the Wildland-Urban Interface: Fire Adapted Communities (
          UMdMS - Representation ring of Levi subgroups versus cohomology ring of flag varieties
                  The synchronization problem for Kuramoto oscillators and beyond
    3PM - Occupational Health & Safety Research: Where are We Now and Where are We Going? (
          Coalition for Construction Fire Safety (
          UMdMS - "When you need to do both: Coupling Global Optimization and Classification with Bayesian models"
          UMdPS - Tensor Networks and Near-Term Quantum Devices
    3:15PM - UMdMS - Eigenvalue problem for reductive groups
    4:05PM - UMdSS
    7PM - HHMI - Objects and People: From Core Cognition to New Systems of Knowledge (ticket required)
    8PM - NASM - Is Astronomy Ready for the James Webb Space Telescope? (ticket required)
19 - noon - NOAA - Predicting Whale Acoustic Exposures: Effect of Vessel Management Options
            UMdMS - Asymptotically log del Pezzo surfaces
    12:30PM - UMdBS - Genome size and transcriptome Complexity in Green Algae
              UMdPS - Turbulence closure ideas from plasma physics
    2PM - UMdPS - Measurement and Control of Superconducting Qubits Using Single Flux Quantum Digital Logic
          UMdBS - CBCB/CBBG RIP
    2:05PM - UMdMS - Thermodynamic formalism for some models with countable Markov partitions
    3:30PM - UMdES - A mechanism for biologically-induced iodine emissions from sea-ice
              UMdMS - Axioms of Dependence Measures: Energy, Matter, and Mind
    4PM - UMdBS - The Three Legs of Sustainable Turf
          UMdPS - Fast scrambling on sparse graphs
    6:30PM - CI NLS - Eyes on the Universe: Carnegie's Leadership in Astronomy Today (registration recommended)
    7PM - HAL - MESSENGER at Mercury: New Views of the Innermost Planet
20 - 10AM - UMdBS - Fluid Semantics:Semantic Knowledge is Experience-Based and Dynamic
20 - 10AM - UMdBS - Fluid Semantics:Semantic Knowledge is Experience-Based and Dynamic
     noon - UMdBS - The importance of neighborhood pubs and coffee breaks to novel research findings and applications.
     noon - UMdBS - The importance of neighborhood pubs and coffee breaks to novel research findings and applications.

Revision as of 02:15, 20 April 2018

See for the "instruction manual" for this list. April 2018 20 - 10AM - UMdBS - Fluid Semantics:Semantic Knowledge is Experience-Based and Dynamic noon - UMdBS - The importance of neighborhood pubs and coffee breaks to novel research findings and applications. UMdES - ACBBT 1PM - UMdPS - Surface Modification and In Situ/Operando Characterization of Electrodes for Energy Storage and Conversion 3PM - UMdGS - Cryovolcanism in the Solar System and the Formation of Cryovolcanic Domes on Europa UMdPS - Asymptotic Symmetries and Holography 3:30PM - SCBI - Genomic insights into bird speciation in the tropical Pacific 4PM - UMdPS - Make your own clock states 8PM - UMd. Obs. - The Rosetta Mission to Orbit and Land on a Comet PSW - The Mystery of the Missing Anti-Matter Why Is There A Matter Only Universe? 21 - 1:30PM - NCAS - Understanding Eyewitness Evidence and Confession Evidence in Criminal Cases: A Sensitive Skeptic's Guide. 22 - noon-5PM - Rockville Science Day 23 - 11AM - UMdPS - Rydberg excitons in cuprous oxide 11:15AM - UMdSS - PALS noon - UMdBS - Hide and Seek in the Open Sea: Pelagic camouflage and visual countermeasures 4PM - UMdBpS - Two-Way Transmembrane Signaling in Outer-Membrane Transprt Protein: or why do spectroscopy when we have a crystal structure? 4:30PM - UMdSS - The South Pole IceCube Neutrino Detector and the Era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy NASM - Open Data in the "New Space" Environment (registration required) 7:30PM - GMU Obs. - JWST - NASA'a Successor to Hubble Space Telescope 24 - 11AM - UMdPS - Criticality in Quantum Long Range Systems 12:30PM - UMdBS - EG 3:30PM - UMdES - SS 4PM - UMdPS - Quantum Voyages, Cosmic Journeys: Exploring Physics through the Arts 25 - 10AM - UMdCSS - PhD Proposal: Application of Homotopy Medthods in Neural Networks and Transportation 11AM - UMdCSS - CLIP UMdGcS noon - UMdBS - Transcription termination in Leishmania: a role for the modified DNA base J 1PM - APS - Prospects for Life and Human Habitability Around Nearby Stars Many Possible Homes - But the Likely Neighbors Are Microbes 3:15PM - UMdMS 4:05PM - UMdSS - From One to Two Dimensional Interstellar Carbon: A Synthesis of Laboratory, Observations, and Theory 6:30PM - CI CSE - Hope for People and the Ocean (registration required) 26 - 10AM - UMdCSS - PhD Proposal: Geometric Data Structures for Approximating Shapes and Functions 11AM - UMdCS - SS 12:30PM - UMdPS - High-speed prediction of a chaotic system using reservoir computers UMdBS - CBMG/MOCB RIP 2PM - UMdBS - CBCB/CBBG RIP 3:30PM - UMdES - DS 4PM - UMdBS - PSL 6:30PM - MAA - A Glimpse at the Horizon (registration requested) 7:30PM - ASG 8PM - NASM - Meet the King and Queen of Speed (ticket required) 27 - 11AM - UMdPS - Tensor Gauge Theories of Fractons UMdMS - Counting points, counting fields, and new heights noon - UMdBS - Elucidation of Novel Morphological and Behavioral Adaptations for Host Exploitation in Parasitic Mesostigmatid Mites of Honey Bees CBMG UMdES - ACBBT 3PM - UMdGS 3:30PM - SCBI - Dual transcriptomics of birds with malaria UMdMS - The Geometry of Redistricting 4PM - UMdCSS - PhD Proposal: Fairness Guarantees for Allocation Problems 28 - 10AM-4PM - UMd - Maryland Day 30 - 11AM - UMdPS - JQI 11:15AM - UMdSS - PALS noon - UMdBS - The structure, function, and evolution of distributed visual systems in marine invertebrates 2:30PM - UMdCSS - PhD Proposal: Increasing the Accessibility of Topic Models through Visualization and Interaction 4PM - UMdBpS - The emergence of contractility in biological fiber networks 4:30PM - UMdSS May 1 - 8PM - STScI - Gravitational Wave Astronomy 2 - NOAA - Nutrient Biogeochemistry of Vatia Bay, American Samoa: Variability, Sources and Effects 3 - noon - NOAA - Defining ecosystem thresholds for human activities and environmental pressures in the California Current 2PM - UMdCSS - Connecting Documents, Words, and Languages Using Topic Models 4 - 10AM - UMdBS - Cortical Circuits for Dynamic Auditory Perception and Learning noon - UMdBS - Development and evolution: Lessons from Drosophila pigmentation 3:30PM - SCBI - Is it time to flower? Molecular ecology and pathways of dispersal in foxtail millet 8PM - PSW - Adventures in Big Data Analysis Using Astronomical Methods to Understand Housing Patterns for a Better Baltimore 6 - 7PM - NoVAC 7 - noon - UMdBS - Complex interactions between orchids and fungi are key components of orchid conservation 4PM - UMdBpS - Dynamics of cilia: mechanical response, chirality and phenotypic variability 8 - 11AM - UMdCS - Histone Ubiquination in Transcription Regulation noon - NOAA - Heavy Metal on the High Seas: USS Monitor and World War II Shipwrecks off the North Carolina Coast 9 - 6:30PM - CI CSE - Deep Earth Through a Diamond Looking Glass (registration required) 11 - noon - UMdBS - Spatial distribution, habitat preference, and societal impact of the nuisance black fly, Simulium jenningsi 3:30PM - SCBI - Losing not choosing? Reconstructing the evolution of female and male bird song 12 - 7:30PM - NCA - Relativistic Jets Stir Things Up 16 - 3:30PM - SCBI - Chasing the High Fliers: Radar Studies of Insect Migration 17 - 7PM - HAL - Astrophotography From Down Under 18 - 3:30PM - SCBI - Trends in the birds of Bogota, Colombia: 26 years of Christmas bird counts 8PM - PSW - Lectures on Cassini 23 - noon - NOAA - A Preview of 2018 Fieldwork for Southeast Deep Coral Initiative and It's Management Implications 6:30PM - CI CSE - The Future of Cybersecurity: Winning the War (registration required) 8PM - NASM - The Hubble Space Telescope: Opening Cosmic Doors for JWST (ticket required) 24 - noon - NOAA - New Models and Analysis of Deep-sea Corals to Support Essential Fish Habitat Designations in the Gulf of Mexico 6:30PM - CI NLS - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger: How High Pressure and Supercomputers Will Shape Materials of the Future (registration recommended) 25 - 3:30PM - SCBI - The Conservation Commons Working Land and Seascapes Action Area: Current research and future plans 30 - noon - NOAA - Managers, modelers, and measuring the impact of species distribution model uncertainty on marine zoning decisions. 31 - noon - NOAA - Pushing the Boundaries: Technology-Driven Exploration of the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary 2PM - NOAA - Assessing the Relationship Between Geomorphology and Deep-Sea coral Community on the West Florida Escarpment June 5 - 8PM - STScI - Star Formation in Orion 7 - 7:30PM - TBC - Application of Theory: Toward Resolving Degrees of Unresolved Emotional Attachment (registration) 12 - 6:30PM - CI CSE - Probing the Universe with Gravitational Waves (registration required) 19 - 2PM - NOAA - Cooperative Institutes and Grantees 20 - noon - NOAA - Seasonal and Short-term Prediction of K. brevis Harmful Algal Bloom Outbreaks on the West Florida Shelf 8PM - NASM - The Historical Quest to See to the End of the Universe... Or Its Beginning (ticket required) 21 - 7PM - HAL - Tips on Observing Mars During the 2018 Opposition 28 - 7:30PM - ASG - James Webb Space Telescope Update