
HacDC Wiki

Wiki Maintenance: Difference between revisions

From HacDC Wiki

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It's running very slowly and has been for a long time.
It's running very slowly and has been for a long time.
There are exactly 1 gazillion spambot accounts.  Ok, it's actually 149,292 total accounts, most of which are bots.
There are exactly 1 gazillion spambot accounts.  Ok, it's actually 149,292 total accounts, most of which are bots.
..and why is the memory usage so high?
<code style="color: blue;">
top - 15:04:00 up 269 days, 10:53,  2 users,  load average: 7.47, 7.45, 6.52
Tasks:  13 total,  4 running,  9 sleeping,  0 stopped,  0 zombie
Cpu(s): 56.2%us,  3.6%sy, 19.9%ni, 19.5%id,  0.2%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.6%si,  0.0%st
Mem:  16433988k total, 16262920k used,  171068k free,  1267844k buffers
Swap:  7823644k total,  584084k used,  7239560k free,  4145820k cached


Revision as of 23:13, 14 December 2013

Hints about taking care of the wiki.. for better or worse.

Status and Maintenance Record


The wiki's software is up to date. It's running very slowly and has been for a long time. There are exactly 1 gazillion spambot accounts. Ok, it's actually 149,292 total accounts, most of which are bots.

..and why is the memory usage so high? top - 15:04:00 up 269 days, 10:53, 2 users, load average: 7.47, 7.45, 6.52 Tasks: 13 total, 4 running, 9 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie Cpu(s): 56.2%us, 3.6%sy, 19.9%ni, 19.5%id, 0.2%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.6%si, 0.0%st Mem: 16433988k total, 16262920k used, 171068k free, 1267844k buffers Swap: 7823644k total, 584084k used, 7239560k free, 4145820k cached


Bad Bot Accounts

  • ssh into the dreamhost site
  • cd
  • php-5.4 maintenance/removeUnusedAccounts.php --delete >> rmunused.txt &
  • tailf rmunused.txt
  • go read a book
