
Regular Member Meeting 2012 06 12: Difference between revisions

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=== Alli ===
=== Alli ===
Members of Announce mailing list: 515
Members of Announce mailing list: 515
Facebook group members: 337
Facebook group members: 337
Twitter followers: 1368 (We passed 1337 earlier this month!)
Twitter followers: 1368 (We passed 1337 earlier this month!)

Revision as of 21:39, 12 June 2012

Time and Location

June 12, 2012

Meeting called to order at ___ by:

Members Present:

Others Present:

Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2012 05 08

Director Reports

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Here is the financial summary spreadsheet for May 2012: File:HacDC Financials May 2012.pdf

The Church didn't deposit our rent check again by the end of May so our bank balance is high on the spreadsheet. It was finally cashed in June.

Rent issue aside, we finished May with a surplus of $1100! We got a $500 donation from WPA for the joint Arduino/Processing class Brad, Alberto, and I did. We also got $200 from the family we helped do a SpaceBlimp-like science fair project (also got a large chocolate bar!)

We added three member subscriptions in May (Alli R, Hana Kim, and Robert Hines), had three non-paying members, and lost three members (Emily Dunne, Maxwell Whitaker, and Stephen Nichols). Quorum remains at 15.

We now have three people paying dues using Dwolla, and it seems to work fine. We save $1.15 per dues payment through Dwolla, and I encourage anyone who hates PayPal or would like to save us some money to sign up! You just need to enter info for a bank account like on PayPal, and it takes about a week to get verified. Our Dwolla Hub page is at: and you can set up a regular monthly payment there. I will work on getting payment buttons on the HacDC web page. Let me (TimS) know if I can answer questions or help you sign up.

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports



Member Reports


It has been suggested to connect the occupancy sensor to the phone line so people can call and check that status. As far as I can figure, the best solution is twilio. I've checked with Haxwithaxe and we can make a connection between the occupancy sensor he is building and the XML driven interface of twilio.

First off, explanation of the services involved and costs: - voip service that costs 1.05 cents per min.  Has a lot of other features as well.

Twilio ( a service with a text to speech engine along with other features and is XML driven.  Costs 1 cent/min inbound, 2 cents/min outbound, and 2 cents for in and out SMS which we might be able to find a use for.

Both services cost $1/mo per phone number.

I'm building a twilio XML system that when people call they have an interactive menu that: 1) Address 2) Checks the status of the occupancy sensor (which Chris is currently rebuilding). 8) leave a voicemail which the link for the message will be emailed to the members list. 9) Ring the space (when this option is being used we will be charged inbound twilio, outbound twilio, inbound, or $0.04/min)

Because twilio is XML driven, we can add as much or as little to the automated menu including dynamic information being pulled from online.

For example the spaceblimp where people could call a number to track it, I believe that was twilio driven.

This way people don't have to actually contact someone in the space to call and find out if the space is open.

Tim S will have the number to provide a demo during the meeting. Note the option 9 currently rings to me and option 8 sends the notice to my email.


Members of Announce mailing list: 515

Facebook group members: 337

Twitter followers: 1368 (We passed 1337 earlier this month!)

Old Business

New Business

New Members


Adjourned at: