
Area science event info: Difference between revisions

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* HAL=[ Howard Astronomical League] - 3rd Thur. 7PM Robinson Nature Center downstairs (6692 Cedar La. Columbia, Md. 21044 (410)313-0400)
* HAL=[ Howard Astronomical League] - 3rd Thur. 7PM Robinson Nature Center downstairs (6692 Cedar La. Columbia, Md. 21044 (410)313-0400)
* NASM=[ National Air & Space Museum] - (202)633-1000 (WNIA?=What's New in Aerospace?)
* NASM=[ National Air & Space Museum] - (202)633-1000 (WNIA?=What's New in Aerospace?)
* Goddard Space Flight Center (restricted access; not included in list) -
* [ Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Colloquium] (restricted access; not included in list)
* STScI=[ Space Telescope Science Institute] - 1st Tue. 8PM (3700 San Martin Dr. Baltimore, Md. 21218 (410)338-4700
* STScI=[ Space Telescope Science Institute] - 1st Tue. 8PM (3700 San Martin Dr. Baltimore, Md. 21218 (410)338-4700
* UMdSS=UMd. space seminar
* UMdSS=UMd. space seminar

Revision as of 13:15, 11 September 2019

This is the "instruction manual" for the Area science event list (

This is an incomplete list of science events (talks and science fairs; excluding book, article, or movie discussions, workshops, and events focused on finance rather than science) in the Washington area and at the STScI and BUGSS in Baltimore. Only free events are listed but registration, a free ticket, or other advance arrangements may be required (noted when known). Normal times and locations for events are given below but note that there may be exceptions.

Warning: All events are subject to change with no warning. Send additions, corrections, comments, etc. to: [email protected]

*=intended for students below college level; check event for details



  • ASub=American Society for Microbiology MAH=Microbes After Hours - (1752 N St. NW) (registration)
  • BUGSS=Baltimore Under Ground Science Space - (410)732-0947 (101 N. Haven St. Suite 105 Baltimore, Md. 21224)
  • HHMI=Howard Hughes Medical Institute - Janelia Research Campus (19700 Helix Dr. Ashburn, Va. 20147 (571)209-4000) (ticket required)
  • IBBR=Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research (UMd.)
  • SCBI=Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (National Zoo)
  • UMdBpS=Univ. of Md. Biophysics Seminars - Mon. 4PM IPST 1116
  • UMdBS=Univ. of Md. biology seminars (also see IBBR)
    • ANSC=Animal & Avian Science Seminar
    • ATRIUM=Arabidopsis thaliana Research Initiative at UMd.
    • BBS=BISI-BEES Seminar
    • BCS=BISI-CBBG Seminar
    • BEES=Behaviour, Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
    • BYOB=Bring Your Own Bioinformatics
    • CBBG=Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, and Genomics
    • CBCB=Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
    • CBG=Computational Biology and Genomics
    • CBMG=Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
    • CSC=Cognitive Science Colloquium
    • EC=Entomology Colloquium
    • EGS=Evo-Gen Seminar
    • ENTM=Entomology Seminar
    • GEMS=Genetics with Eukaryotic Model Systems
    • ICRS=Integrative Cancer Research Seminar
    • MOCB=Molecular and Cellular Biology
    • PSL=Plant Science Lecture
    • PSS=Plant Science Seminar
    • RIP=Research in Progress
    • RIPT=Research in Progress Talks
    • VMSS=VetMed Seminar





  • DCAPS=DC-Area Anonymity, Privacy, and Security Seminar
  • MAA=Mathematical Society of America - Carriage House (1781 Church St. NW Washington, D.C. 20036 (202)319-8476) (registration)
  • UMdCSS= Univ. of Md. computer science seminars and talks
    • CATS=Capital Area Theory Seminar
    • CLIP=Computational Linguistics and Information Processing
    • HCIL=Human-Computer Interaction Lab
    • QuICS=Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science Seminar
  • UMdMS=Univ. of Md. math seminars
    • ANT=Algebra-Number Theory
    • D=Dynamics
    • GT=Geometry-Topology
    • LGRT-Lie Groups and Representation Theory, NA=Numerical Analysis



  • APS=American Physical Society - 3rd Wed. 1PM American Center for Physics (1 Physics Ellipse College Park, Md. 20740 (301)209-3000)
  • UMdPS=Univ. of Md. physics seminars
    • ADS=Applied Dynamics Seminar
    • CNAM=Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials
    • CMTC=Condensed Matter Theory Center
    • DSTL=Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Lecture
    • GPS=Gravitational Physics Seminar
    • HEP=High Energy Physics
    • ISP=Informal Statistical Physics
    • JQCS=JQI-QuICS-CMTC Seminar
    • JQI=Joint Quantum Institute
    • LPS=Laboratory for Physical Sciences
    • MSES=MSE Seminar
    • NPS=Nuclear Physics Seminar
    • NTS=Nuclear Theory Seminar
    • PPS=Plasma Physics Seminar
    • QuICS-see UMdCSS
    • SPS=Space Physics Seminar



  • AMS=American Meteorological Society -
  • NOAA=National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - (1305 East-West Hwy. Silver Spring, Md. 20910 & 5830 University Research Ct. College Park, Md. 20740) (possible nuisance security; may require advance notice)