
HacDC Spaceblimp 4: Difference between revisions

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Spaceblimp 4 planned launch: April 12, 2011 10:00 AM
Spaceblimp 4 planned launch: April 2, 2011 10:00 AM

Revision as of 06:33, 23 March 2011

Spaceblimp 4 planned launch: April 2, 2011 10:00 AM

Launch Details

Logistics planning and radio check meet: TBD at HacDC
Planned launch date: Saturday, April 2, 2011 (Rain date April 3).
Launch time: 10:00 AM, Launch should take less than an hour.
Launch Location:
Time: arrive at TBD A.M. (please be on time!)
Where: TBD - Launch will probably be close to Route 81 somewhere between Edinburg, VA and Hagerstown, MD.
Address: TBD
Lat/Long: TBD
Coordination/Talk-in: TBD MHz simplex
Planned Altitude: TBD feet
Planned Ascent Rate: TBD ft/min
Primary Beacon: Tiny Track 4 with 0.5 W transmitter on 144.390 MHz, call sign W3HAC-11 (map). $3 GPS module
Secondary Beacon: Son-of-WhereAVR with ublox GPS. Yaesu VX-1 handi-talkie with 1 W Transmitter, call sign W3HAC-12 (map), Frequency 445.15MHz
Payload: Still camera, HD video camera, Geiger counter to measure cosmic rays, a nine degree of freedom Inertial Measurement Unit, accelerometer, pressure, light and temperature sensors.

The balloon is a 2000g Kaymont/Totex with a couple of hundred cubic feet of helium. The total weight of the capsule is about five pounds.

HacDC Spaceblimp Project:
Main Page Press Page First Launch (Found) Second Launch (Successful)
Third Launch (Successful) Fourth Launch (Successful) Fifth Launch (3% short of goal) Sixth Launch (Successful) Seventh Launch (Successful)

HacDC Spaceblimp Team Contact Info:
[email protected]
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