
TV shows that may be of interest: Difference between revisions

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Hot tips:
Hot tip: Dec. 2 at 8 & 11:30PM & Dec. 3 at 2:30AM & 2PM on channel 26.2 - %Sister Boniface Mysteries - Professor Y (Doctor Who spoof; reminiscent of Spaced Out where Wonder Woman was at Space Questicon - pure fun!)
July 12 at 8:30AM, 4:30PM, & July 13 at 12:30AM on channel 48.2 - Man Moment Machine - Apollo 13: Triumph On the Dark Side
See for shows that normally airs at the same time each week - some are also (i.e., if of particular interest or to give the episode subject or title) included in the list below.
July 12 at 3PM on channel 22.4 - RISING - AI Bridges Japan's Infrastructure Maintenance Gap: Civil Engineering Innovators - Morikawa Haruna
July 13 at 9PM on channels 22 & 26 (many reruns) - NOVA - Ultimate Space Telescope
July 17 at 5PM on channel 9.3 - What Could Possibly Go Wrong? - Deadly Donuts of Fire
July 17 at 6PM on channel 9.3 - What Could Possibly Go Wrong? - Jumbo Paper Plane
See for shows that normally air at the same time each week - some are also (i.e., if of particular interest or to give the episode subject or title) included in the list below.
Caution: Schedules (along with all other databases) contain errors and are subject to change.
Caution: Schedules (along with all other databases) contain errors and are subject to change.
Note that this listing only includes broadcast channels, not cable or internet channels. Most of the shows listed are fact rather than fiction; % indicates fiction (i.e., a series episode with a science-related plot).
Note that this listing only includes broadcast channels, not cable or internet channels. Most of the shows listed are fact rather than fiction; % indicates fiction (i.e., a series episode with a science-related plot).
+ after the time means the program is rerun later (possibly on a sister station, i.e., a show on channel 26.4 may be rerun on 26.5); check that station's program listing for details.
+ after the time means the program is rerun later (possibly on a sister station, i.e., a show on channel 26.4 may be rerun on 26.5); check that station's program listing for details.
! = viewer caution, graphic content (not necessarily in every episode)
Channel 62 in Frederick & 67 in Baltimore are identical to 22 in Annapolis (including sister stations (i.e., 22.2=62.2=67.2) too).
Channel 62 in Frederick & 67 in Baltimore are identical to 22 in Annapolis (including sister stations (i.e., 22.2=62.2=67.2) too).
Note that channel 7.3 airs numerous SF movies - check their schedule (select COMET WJLADT3 at for times & titles.
Note that channel 7.3 airs numerous SF movies - check their schedule (select COMET WJLADT3 at for times & titles)
July 12
Nov. 26
1AM 9.3 Modern Marvels - Environmental Tech II
6AM 22.2 Gardenfit - Sticks and Stones (art)
2:30+ 26 POV - Wuhan Wuhan
7:30 32 White House Chronicle - Rising U.S. Electricity Demand, and Evolving Nuclear Industry
4 26 This Old House - Cambridge 2012: Hearthstone, Butcher Block Island
9:30+ 22.4 Science View - Next Generation Solar Cells
  26.5 This Old House - Saratoga Springs: Amped Up
10:30 26.5 Start Up - Revitalize Charging Solutions -- Fort Worth, Texas
  32 Home Diagnosis - The Truth About Home Building: Real Life of a Contractor
11:45+ 22.4 Dig More Japan - Evolving Technologies
4:30+ 22.2 Ask This Old House - Crown Molding for Corner Angles, The Future of Solar
1PM 32 Roadtrip Nation: Chip In - Making Micro
    26 This Old House - Cambridge 2012: Secondary Spaces
1:40 22.4 DIRECT TALK - Capturing a Black Hole: Honma Mareki / Astronomer/Professor, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
    26.5 Ask This Old House - Crown Molding; Future of Solar
3 26.5 Antiques Roadshow - Out of This World
5 26 In the Americas with David Yetman - Pororoca: Brazil's Famous Wave (soliton)
4 22 Volunteer Woodworker - Amazing Anne
+ 26.4 Mysteries of Mental Illness - Evil or Illness?
7+ 26.4 NOVA - Building Stuff: Reach It!
5:30+ 22.4 Medical Frontiers - Killing Cancer Cells with a Virus
7:30+ 22 Outdoors MARYLAND - Missing Wild Turkeys Mystery; raining DNR Police Dogs; Testing the Waters
    26 In the Americas with David Yetman - Baracoa: Cuba's Outpost on the Atlantic
8+ 26.4 Secrets of the Dead - Lost Treasures of Angkor  King's Gold
6:30 22.2 Make48
9+ 26.4 Secrets of the Dead - Jamestown's Dark Winter
7 9.3 Modern Marvels - World's Strongest
9:30+ 32 NATURE - San Diego: America's Wildest City
8+ 48.2 Tech Effect - Apollo 11
Nov. 27
8:30+ 22.2 Woodsmith Shop - Shop-Made Clamps
10:30AM+ 22.2 Outside: Beyond the Lens - California Super Bloom 2
    + 48.2 Man Moment Machine - Apollo 13: Triumph On the Dark Side
4PM+ 22 This Old House - Nashville | Southern Hospitality
9:30+ 48.2 History's Lost and Found - Souvenirs of Outer Space
9 22.2 Life: First Steps - Outnumbered
10+ 48.2 How the Earth Was Made - How the Earth Was Made
  + 26 NOVA - Building Stuff - Change It!
10:30 9.3 Auction Kings - Space Oddities
Nov. 28
    +22.4 Science View - Tough Polymers - The Secrets Behind a Strong New Material
2PM 22.4 JAPAN'S TOP INVENTIONS - Fan-Cooled Workwear / Marine Cargo Tanks
11 32 Wonders of Mexico - Forests of the Maya
Nov. 29
noon 32 Wonders of Mexico - Mountain Worlds
8AM+ 22.2 This Old House - Nashville | Grounded
    + 48.2 How the Earth Was Made - Asteroids
8:30+ 22.2 ask This Old House - Florida Trees, Smart Lighting
1PM 32 Wonders of Mexico - Burning North
8:30PM 22.2 MARYLAND FARM & HARVEST - Smithson Family and Indoor Salmon Fishery
  + 48.2 How the Earth Was Made - Birth of the Earth
Dec. 1
2+ 48.2 How the Earth Was Made - Sahara
3 22.4 RISING - AI Bridges Japan's Infrastructure Maintenance Gap: Civil Engineering Innovators - Morikawa Haruna
Dec. 2
+ 26 This Old House - Cambridge 2012: The Big Finish
8PM+ 26.2 %Sister Boniface Mysteries - Professor Y (SF convention)
  26.5 History Detectives - St. Valentine's Day Massacre; George Washington Miniature; Stalag 17
Dec. 10
+ 48.2 How the Earth Was Made - America's Gold
4PM 22 Volunteer Woodworker - What If
3:30+ 26 This Old House - Essex: A Cottage in the Woods
Dec. 17
4+ 26 In the Americas with David Yetman - The Road from Oaxaca to Chiapis
6AM 22 Gardenfit - Painting with Nature
4:30+ 26 In the Americas with David Yetman - Dry Times in the Southwest: The New Realities
4PM 22 Volunteer Woodworker - Designs from the Garden
7+ 22 Maryland Farm & Harvest - Drones Analyze Crop Health; Science Fights Invasive Weeds
Dec. 19
+ 26.4 NOVA - NOVA Universe Revealed: Age of Stars
8PM+ 22.2 This Old House - Nashville | Shelter from the Storm
7:30+ 22 Outdoors Maryland - Seventeen Year Insect Infestation; Chesapeake Threat; Explring Maryland's Prehistoric Past
8:30+ 22.2 ask This Old House - Wallpaper Installation; Sump Pump
8+ 26.4 Expedition with Steve Backshall - Kamchatka: Expedition Grizzly River
Dec. 30
9+ 22 & 26 American Outdoors with Baratunde Thurston - Idaho: Tied to the Land
8:30AM+ 22.2 ask This Old House - Humidifier System, End Table
+ 26.4 Mysteries of Mental Illness - Who's Normal?
9:15+ 22.4 Direct Talk - Farming for the Future: James Rebanks / Farmer and Author
10 9.3 Shipping Wars - We Come in Pieces! (TARDIS & Enterprise bridge)
10:30+ 22.4 Sharing the Future - Borderless Opportunities through Web Development: Benin
July 13
1AM 9.3 Modern Marvels - Assembly Line
2 9.3 Modern Marvels - Renewable Energy
3 9.3 Modern Marvels - Copper
4+ 32 This Old House - Saratoga Springs | Amped Up
4:30+ 32 Ask This Old House - Crown Molding for Corner Angles, The Future of Solar
6:30 22.2 Urban Conversion - Freegan Awesome!
8+ 22.2 American Woodshop - Wooden Puzzles
8:30+ 22.2 Garage with Steve Butler - No Jointer, No Planer, No Problem
10+ 26.5 My World Too - New Reflections; Earthjustice
10:30+ 26.5 My World Too - Smart Irrigation; AY Young and the Battery Tour
3PM 22.4 Today's Close-Up - Ukraine Cyberwar: Battlefield With No Borders
  + 26 This Old House - Essex: Human Centered Design, Demolition
    26.5 History Detectives - Hot Town Poster; Face Jug; Lost City of Gold
3:30+ 26 This Old House - Essex: One-Level Living
4+ 22 This Old House - Saratoga Springs | Amped Up
+ 26 In the Americas with David Yetman - The Blue Ridge Parkway: From Virginia to North Carolina
4:30+ 26 In the Americas with David Yetman - Galapagos: The Great Climate Seesaw
8 9.3 Hardcore Pawn - Acid Test (metal tester)
  + 22 & 26 The Green Planet - Water Worlds
9+ 22 & 26 NOVA - Ultimate Space Telescope
10+ 22 & 26 Expedition with Steve Backshall - Saudi Arabia: Expedition Volcanic Underworld
July 14
1AM 9.3 Modern Marvels - World's Biggest Machines 5
3 9.3 Modern Marvels - Pirate Tech
5:15+ 22.4 Direct Talk - Christopher Emdin, science & education
6 9.3 Modern Marvels - 80's Tech
6:30 22.2 For Your Home - What's New in Green?
    + 26.4 Story in the Public Square - Vidya Krishnan (tuberculosis)
7 9.3 Modern Marvels - Strangest Countdown
8:30+ 22.2 Woodsmith Shop - Adjustable Stool
10:30+ 22.4 Japan Railway Journal - Must-see Railway News: The First Half of 2022 (AI)
noon+ 48.2 History's Lost and Found - Historical Records (music)
1:30PM 26.4 Second Opinion - Menopause
2:30 26.5 Growing a Greener World - The Spark in Sparta
    + 48.2 History's Lost and Found - Musical Memorabilia (Moog synthesizer etc.)
3 22.4 Japan's Top Inventions - Personal Information Protection Stamps
+ 26 This Old House - Essex: Water Feature; Geothermal Heat
  26.5 History Detectives - Jackie Robinson All-Stars; Modoc Basket; Special Agent Five
3:15 22.4 Japan's Top Inventions - Planetariums
3:30+ 26 This Old House - Essex: Cottage Style
4+ 26 In the Americas with David Yetman - Havana: Cultural Treasure House of the Caribbean
4:30+ 26 In the Americas with David Yetman - Galapagos: Volcanoes and Nature on the Islands
7:30+ 26.5 Travels with Darley - Adirondacks (Star Trek Original Series Set Tour etc.)
8+ 26.5 NOVA - The Planets: Saturn
8:30+ 22.2 Ask This Old House - Soil Testing, Adding a Receptacle
9+ 26.5 NOVA - The Planets: Ice Worlds
+ 32 To The Ends of the Earth: Birds of East Africa
9:45+ 22.4 Zero Waste Life - Scrap Can Shine
10+ 26.5 Beyond a Year in Space
  + 32 America Outdoors with Baratunde Thurston - Death Valley: Life Blooms
10:30+ 22.4 Trailblzers - Independent Watchmaker Kikuno Masahiro
July 15
2AM 9.3 Modern Marvels - Super Strong Countdown
5:15+ 22.4 Direct Talk - Abeer Bandak, Tech2Peace
6:30 22.2 Make: - Aerial Kite Photography
    32 Healthy Minds with Dr. Jeffrey Borenstein - Optogenetics with Karl Deisseroth, M.D., Ph.D. - Part Two
7 9.3 Modern Marvels - Mega Weapon Countdown
8+ 48.2 Modern Marvels - Inventions of War
9 26.2 %Monarch of the Glen - Eco-Dome
+ 48.2 Modern Marvels - Battle Gear
10+ 48.2 Modern Marvels - Battlefield Engineering
11+ 48.2 Modern Marvels - Bullets
noon+ 48.2 Modern Marvels - Combat Training
12:30PM 26.5 Samantha Brown's Places to Love - Greater Palm Springs, CA (stunt driving, pollinating dates, etc.)
1 9.3 Shipping Wars - To the Moon and Back (moon rocks)
+ 48.2 Modern Marvels - Deadliest Weapons
2+ 48.2 Modern Marvels - Tiny Weapons
2:30 22 J Schwanke's Life in Bloom - family farm, rainfall control berm
3+ 26 This Old House - Essex: Standing-Seam Roof; Lightning Rods
  26.5 History Detectives - WB Cartoons; Galvez Papers; Mussolini Dagger
+ 48.2 Modern Marvels - Weapons of Mass Destruction
3:30+ 26 This Old House - Essex: Rustic Planter; Advanced Septic
4+ 26 In the Americas with David Yetman - Tlaloc's Revenge: Mexico City's Hydrological Heritage
+ 32 Artworks - Joyce J. Scott; Chilhuly; Bead Creations; Metal and Sound Sculptures; Hand Blown Glass
4:30+ 26 In the Americas with David Yetman - Medellin: A Columbian Transformation
5 9.3 American Restoration - Prank War (arcade game)
10 7 The Final Straw
11+ 22 Antiques Roadshow Recut - Winterthur Museum, Part 2 (Apollo spacesuit)
11:55+ 22.4 Danko&Danta, Cardboard Craft Creations! - Guitar
July 16
12:10AM+ 22.4 Four Seasons in Japan - Ashio Mountains
1 9.3 Modern Marvels - Mega Machine Countdown
1:10+ 22.4 Japan's Top Inventions - Handheld Digital Pets
1:25+ 22.4 Japan's Top Inventions - Planetariums
1:30+ 22.2 Rick Steves' Europe - Ethiopia: A Development Story
1:40+ 22.4 BOSAI: Science that Can Save Your Life - #10 Tornadoes
1:55+ 22.4 PythagoraSwitch mini - See the Wiggle Men!
2 9.3 Modern Marvels - Mega Speed Countdown
4 32 Wonders of Mexico - Forests of the Maya
6 9 Ocean Mysteries with Jeff Corwin - Day at the Aquarium
  9.3 Factory Made - episode 2.13
+ 26.4 Second Opinion - Pain Management Beyond Opioids
6:30 9.3 Factory Made - episode 2.14
7 9.3 Factory Made - episode 2.15
7:30 9.3 Factory Made - episode 2.16
7:40 22.4 THE QUEST FOR ANCIENT COLOR - A Tale of Japanese Red
8 9.3 Factory Made - episode 2.17
8:30 9.3 Factory Made - episode 2.18
10 7 Wildlife Nation With Jeff Corwin - American Bison
  22 Woodsmith Shop - Easy-to-Build Workshop Organizer
10:10+ 22.4 BIZ STREAM - Innovation Through Fermentation
10:30 9 The Henry Ford's Innovation Nation - Sawdust 3D Printing
    + 26 Ask This Old House - Soil Testing; Adding a Receptacle
11 7 American Heartland - cotton & pig farming, tractor parade
  9 Mission Unstoppable - Amusement, Astronomy, and Animation
3PM 9.3 Mayday: Air Disaster - Who's In Control
4 9.3 Mayday: Air Disaster - Fight for Control
5 9.3 Mayday: Air Disaster - Fire in the Hold
5:30 22 My World Too - New Reflections / The WindEXCHANGE
6 20 %MacGyver - Quarantine + N95 + Landline + Telescope + Social Distance
8 9.3 Seconds from Disaster - Fire in the Cockpit
9 9.3 Storm Chasers - Road Hazards
10 9.3 Storm Chasers - No Place Like Kansas
  + 22 How the Victorians Built Britain - Bridging the Nation
July 17
6AM 9.3 Factory Made - episode 2.19
6:30 9.3 Factory Made - episode 2.20
7 9.3 Factory Made - episode 2.21
  22 Home Diagnosis - Universe's Battery: Homes in the Sun
7:30 9.3 Factory Made - episode 2.22
    32 Curious Crew - Solar Energy Science
8 9.3 How the Earth Was Made - Ring of Fire
8:30 22 Innovations in Medicine
9 9.3 How the Earth Was Made - America's Ice Age
9:30 22 Healthy Minds with Dr. Jeffrey Borenstein - Rapid-Acting Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
    48.2 The New Frontier - Emissaries
11 9.3 Lost Worlds - Atlantis
1:30PM 22 Samantha Brown's Places to Love - The Jersey Shore and More (Wetlands Institute)
3 9.3 Doomsday Preppers - Prepper's Paradise
4 9.3 Doomsday Preppers - Hit the Ground Running
  26.5 History Detectives - Blueprint Special; Monroe Letter; Atocha Spanish Silver
5 9.3 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? - Deadly Donuts of Fire
  26.5 History Detectives - Slave Songbook; Josh White Guitar; Birthplace of Hip Hop
6 9.3 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? - Jumbo Paper Plane
  20 Weather Gone Viral - Weird Weather
  26.5 History Detectives - PsychoPhone; War Dog Letter; Pancho Villa Watch Fob
9:10 22.4 Core Kyoto mini - clamp resist dyeing
10+ 22 & 26 %COBRA - Episode 2
11:10 22.4 THE QUEST FOR ANCIENT COLOR - A Tale of Japanese Crimson
July 18
4AM 9.3 Modern Marvels - Cowboy Tech
5 9.3 Modern Marvels - Civil War Tech
6 9.3 Modern Marvels - Glue
7 9.3 Modern Marvels - Edwards Air Force Base
8+ 48.2 Story Feature - The Hunt for the Lost Squadron
10+ 48.2 America at War - Electronic Battlefield
12:30PM 26.5 Samantha Brown's Places to Love - Lake Geneva and the Valais, Switzerland (designing Swiss watch)
2:30 26.5 Growing a Greener World - New Ways of Growing Our Favorite Vegetables
3+ 26 This Old House - Essex: Shiplap Walls; Finished Yard
  26.5 History Detectives - Chicago Clock; Universal Friends; War Dog Letter
+ 48.2 America at War - The Undersea Stranglers
3:30+ 26 This Old House - Essex: Tiling, Floor Stains
4+ 26 In the Americas with David Yetman - Baroque Pipe Organs of Oaxaca
4:30+ 26 In the Americas with David Yetman - Ancestors of the Ancient Mayas
8:30+ 26.5 Antiques Roadshow Recut - Winterthur Museum, Hour 2 (Apollo spacesuit)
10 22.2 This American Land - Protecting Red Wolves, Eager Beavers, Monster Snapping Turtles
10:30 22.2 This American Land - Kalmiopsis Wilderness, Managing Farms for Bobwhite Quail, Outdoors in Colorado County, Lead Contamination
July 19
1AM 9.3 Modern Marvels - Deadliest Weapons
2 9.3 Modern Marvels - Desert Tech
4 32 Home Diagnosis - This Little Light of Mine: Holes in the House (Windows, Skylights and Doors)
6 9.3 Modern Marvels - World's Biggest Machines 3
6:30 22.2 Make48
7 9.3 Modern Marvels - Doomsday Tech
8+ 48.2 Wild West Tech - Law & Order Tech
9+ 48.2 Wild West Tech - Shootout Tech
10+ 48.2 Wild West Tech - Biggest Machines in the West
11+ 48.2 Wild West Tech - Gang Tech
noon 32 Prehistoric Road Trip - Welcome to Fossil Country
    + 48.2 Wild West Tech - The Road West
1PM+ 48.2 Wild West Tech - Revenge Tech
2+ 48.2 Wild West Tech - The Gunslingers
2:30 26.5 Growing a Greener World - Redeeming Your Ground
3+ 26 This Old House - Essex: Design for Everyone
  26.4 Reconnecting Roots - Dashes to Dot Coms
  26.5 History Detectives - airplane engine parts, Civil War cannon, stuntman saddle
+ 48.2 Wild West Tech - Train Tech
3:30+ 26 This Old House - Essex: A Home for Mom and Dad
4+ 26 In the Americas with David Yetman - From the San Juans to Moab by Mountain Bike
4:30+ 26 In the Americas with David Yetman - Islands in the Desert
    26.4 Reconnecting Roots - Chain of Events (bicycle to plane)
6:30 9.3 American Restoration - Clueless (1920s x-ray)
7 22 Maryland Farm & Harvest - Farm Machines; Old Wye Mill; Farm Equipment
7:30 22 Outdoors Maryland - State Parks Cater to Off-Road Vehicles; Catoctin Furnace
9+ 22 & 26 America Outdoors with Baratunde Thurston - LA: It's a Vibe
+ 26.4 Mysteries of Mental Illness - Rise and Fall of the Asylum
July 20
1AM 9.3 Modern Marvels - More Doomsday Tech
3 9.3 Modern Marvels - More Dangerous Cargo
4:30+ 32 Ask This Old House - Soil Testing, Adding A Receptacle
8+ 48.2 Story Feature - Moon Landing: The Lost Tapes
9+ 48.2 Story Feature - Race to the Moon: Failure Is Not An Option
9:30 9.3 Auction Kings - John Wayne Guns/ Omnibot 2000
10 9.3 Auction Kings - Rick Fairless Chopper/Gas-Powered Blender
  26.5 My World Too - Heirloom, Hybrid, GMO Seeds; Clean Air Now
10:30 9.3 Auction Kings - Edison Phonograph/Ali-Frazier Boxing Gloves
      26.5 My World Too
11+ 48.2 The Universe - When Space Changed History
noon 26.5 Weekends with Yankee - An Eye for Beauty (Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Ice Castles (etc.))
    + 48.2 Rockets! - First Steps to the Stars
1PM+ 48.2 Rockets! - The Vengeance Weapon
2+ 48.2 Rockets! - Missiles of the Cold War
2:30 26.4 Reconnecting Roots - The Recording Industry: Off the Record, In the Cloud
    26.5 Growing a Greener World - Small-Space Gardening
3+ 26 This Old House - Lexington Colonial: Colonial Roots
  26.5 History Detectives - WWII propaganda leaflet, Tiffany window art, Spanish Civil War descendants
+ 48.2 Rockets! - Man in Space
3:30+ 26 This Old House - Lexington Colonial: Footings and Foundations
4+ 26 In the Americas with David Yetman - Kites of the Dead in Guatemala
  26.4 Reconnecting Roots - Travel: Migration to Mobility
4:30+ 26 In the Americas with David Yetman - Under the Shadow of the Volcanoes
6:30 9.3 American Restoration - Bear Down (arcade game)
8+ 26 The Green Planet - Seasonal Worlds
9+ 26 NOVA - NOVA Universe Revealed: Milky Way
10+ 26 Expedition With Steve Backshall - Kyrgyzstan: Expedition Mountain Ghost
July 21
1AM 9.3 Modern Marvels - Extreme Aircraft
3 9.3 Modern Marvels - World War I Tech
6 9.3 Modern Marvels - Apollo 11
  32 Second Opinion with Joan Lunden - Post-Acute Covid-19 Syndrome (Pacs)
7 9.3 Modern Marvels - Nuclear Tech
9:30+ 48.2 I Love the 1880s - Military Madness
10:30+ 48.2 I Love the 1880s - The Nerds Who Built America
11+ 48.2 I Love the 1880s - How the West Was Fun
1:30PM+ 48.2 I Love the 1880s - Breakthroughs and Breakdowns
2:30 26.4 Reconnecting Roots - Trains: Tracking Progress
    26.5 Growing a Greener World - Locavores and Yard-Sharing
3 26 This Old House - Lexington Colonial: Colonial Curb Appeal
  26.5 History Detectives - Harpers Ferry raid, WWI U.S. troops in Siberia, Ronald McDonald costume
3:30 26 This Old House - Lexington Colonial: Smart Solutions
4 26 In the Americas with David Yetman - Drought and New Realities in the Southwest
4:30 26 In the Americas with David Yetman - Colombia's Guardians of the Homelands
5:30 9.3 American Restoration - Atomic Restoration (U detector)
7:30+ 32 Vaccination from the Misinformation Virus
8:30+ 32 POV - Wuhan Wuhan
10+ 32 America Outdoors with Baratunde Thurston - Idaho: Tied to the Land
July 22
1AM 9.3 Modern Marvels - Bathroom Tech
2 9.3 Modern Marvels - Bible Tech
3 9.3 Modern Marvels - Oil Fire Fighting
6 9.3 Modern Marvels - Extreme Trucks
7 9.3 Modern Marvels - Shipyards
9 9.3 Auction Kings - Plank Cannon/Calliope
9:30 9.3 Auction Kings - Motorized Bar Stool / Confederate Sword
2:30PM 9.3 Shipping Wars - Munsters the Final Frontier (lunar lander)
July 23
6AM 9 Ocean Mysteries with Jeff Corwin - The Island of Tasmania
10:30 9 The Henry Ford's Innovation Nation - Heated Ski Poles
11 9 Mission Unstoppable - Scuba, Space, and Sievels
6PM 20 %MacGyver - Save + The + Dam + World

Revision as of 10:29, 26 November 2024

Hot tip: Dec. 2 at 8 & 11:30PM & Dec. 3 at 2:30AM & 2PM on channel 26.2 - %Sister Boniface Mysteries - Professor Y (Doctor Who spoof; reminiscent of Spaced Out where Wonder Woman was at Space Questicon - pure fun!) See for shows that normally airs at the same time each week - some are also (i.e., if of particular interest or to give the episode subject or title) included in the list below. Caution: Schedules (along with all other databases) contain errors and are subject to change. Note that this listing only includes broadcast channels, not cable or internet channels. Most of the shows listed are fact rather than fiction; % indicates fiction (i.e., a series episode with a science-related plot). + after the time means the program is rerun later (possibly on a sister station, i.e., a show on channel 26.4 may be rerun on 26.5); check that station's program listing for details. ! = viewer caution, graphic content (not necessarily in every episode) Channel 62 in Frederick & 67 in Baltimore are identical to 22 in Annapolis (including sister stations (i.e., 22.2=62.2=67.2) too). Note that channel 7.3 airs numerous SF movies - check their schedule (select COMET WJLADT3 at for times & titles) Nov. 26 6AM 22.2 Gardenfit - Sticks and Stones (art) 7:30 32 White House Chronicle - Rising U.S. Electricity Demand, and Evolving Nuclear Industry 9:30+ 22.4 Science View - Next Generation Solar Cells 10:30 26.5 Start Up - Revitalize Charging Solutions -- Fort Worth, Texas 11:45+ 22.4 Dig More Japan - Evolving Technologies 1PM 32 Roadtrip Nation: Chip In - Making Micro 1:40 22.4 DIRECT TALK - Capturing a Black Hole: Honma Mareki / Astronomer/Professor, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan 3 26.5 Antiques Roadshow - Out of This World 4 22 Volunteer Woodworker - Amazing Anne 7+ 26.4 NOVA - Building Stuff: Reach It! 7:30+ 22 Outdoors MARYLAND - Missing Wild Turkeys Mystery; raining DNR Police Dogs; Testing the Waters 8+ 26.4 Secrets of the Dead - Lost Treasures of Angkor King's Gold 9+ 26.4 Secrets of the Dead - Jamestown's Dark Winter 9:30+ 32 NATURE - San Diego: America's Wildest City Nov. 27 10:30AM+ 22.2 Outside: Beyond the Lens - California Super Bloom 2 4PM+ 22 This Old House - Nashville | Southern Hospitality 9 22.2 Life: First Steps - Outnumbered + 26 NOVA - Building Stuff - Change It! Nov. 28 2PM 22.4 JAPAN'S TOP INVENTIONS - Fan-Cooled Workwear / Marine Cargo Tanks Nov. 29 8AM+ 22.2 This Old House - Nashville | Grounded 8:30+ 22.2 ask This Old House - Florida Trees, Smart Lighting 8:30PM 22.2 MARYLAND FARM & HARVEST - Smithson Family and Indoor Salmon Fishery Dec. 1 3PM+ 26 NATURE - ATTENBOROUGH'S LIFE JOURNEY Dec. 2 8PM+ 26.2 %Sister Boniface Mysteries - Professor Y (SF convention) Dec. 10 4PM 22 Volunteer Woodworker - What If Dec. 17 6AM 22 Gardenfit - Painting with Nature 4PM 22 Volunteer Woodworker - Designs from the Garden Dec. 19 8PM+ 22.2 This Old House - Nashville | Shelter from the Storm 8:30+ 22.2 ask This Old House - Wallpaper Installation; Sump Pump Dec. 30 8:30AM+ 22.2 ask This Old House - Humidifier System, End Table