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February 2020
19 3:30PM UMdES - Three case studies in greenhouse gas emissions - new insights provided by an expanded atmospheric observing network
4 - noon - NOAA - Whale Worlds, Past and Future
  7 RSC Numberphiles - Math Jeopardy (registration)
          UMdES - Dinosaurs, Milankovitch Cycles & Back to a Cretaceous Earth
25 6:30PM CI CSE - An Enterprise Approach to Biotech and Medicine (ticket required)
    1PM - UMdCSS - PhD Proposal: Perceptual Factors in Comparative Visual Analytics
    1:15PM - UMdPS - Cooperative Motion and Structural Relaxation in Glass-Forming Materials
3 3:30PM UMdES - NASA's High-Resolution GEOS Forecasting and Reanalysis Products: A unified Tool from Local and Global Scales
    3:30PM - UMdMS - Cells as living liquid crystals and the role of topological defects
12 1PM RSC - Community STEM Day
            UMdBS - ANSC
    4PM - UMdPS - Mapping the Milky Way's Dark Matter Halo with Gaia
    7PM - RSC - Introduction to locks and physical security systems
    8PM - STScI - Crab Nebula and Things that Go Kaboom in the Night
5 - 11AM - UMdCSS - Quantum Impulse Control
          UMdCS - Ionic Liquids, Physical Properties and Media for Chemical Reactions
    noon - UMdBS - MOCB or CBBG
    3PM - UMdPS - LPS
    3:30PM - UMdPS - Drift-kinetic theory of tokamak alpha particle transport by MHD modes and ripple
    4:05PM - UMdSS - The Origin of Inefficient Star Formation in Galaxies
    4:30PM - UMdBS - 100 Years of Landscape Architects in the U.S. Forest Service (registration)
6 - 11AM - UMdCSS - Fault-tolerant quantum computation in the 21st century
          UMdCS - Iridium-Aluminum and Rhodium-Aluminum Heterobimetallic Complexes
          UMdBS - VM
    noon - NOAA - Alkalinity Fluxes and Geochemical Properties of Harris Creek Oyster Reef Cores
    12:30PM - UMdPS - Cell Dynamics and Excitable Systems
    2PM - UMdPS - Synthesizing "Toy Model" Quantum Materials
          UMdMS - D
          UMdCSS - Streaming complexity of fundamental Geometric Problems
    3PM - NOAA - U.S. West Coast Deep-Sea Coral Initiative: Design and Implementation in Support of Resource Management
    3:30PM - UMdES - Applying Simple Models to Complex Problems in Atmospheric Sciences
    4PM - UMdBS - PSL
7 - 9AM - UMdEgS - Be
    10:15AM - UMdBS - What's in a Face Patch? The good, the bad, and the ugly
    noon - UMdBS - Development from the single-cell perspective
                  Hybridization, Hybrid Species, and the Organization of Genomic Diversity in a Butterfly Species Complex
          UMdPS - Emergent Space-Times and how to find them
    1PM - UMdPS - MSE
    3PM - UMdGS - Magnetic anomalies and the color of the Moon-insights from lunar swirls
    8PM - PSW - The World Microbiome Project and Integrated Microbiomics
8 - 1:30PM - NCAS - Should We Worry About 5G Towers
    2PM - LDPL - Maker Talk: Creating Furniture (registration - limited space)
    7:30PM - NCA - The Depletion of Mars' Atmosphere
9 - 7PM - NoVAC - The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Aray (ALMA) and Game-Changing Science
10 - 11AM - UMdBS - Novel Algorithmic Frameworks for Protein Conformational Search
            UMdPS - New perspectives on quantum matter: bringing together quantum simulations and machine learning
    11:15AM - UMdSS - Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner
    noon - UMdES - The Remote Effects of Spring Land Temperature in Rocky Mountains and Tibetan Plateau on Downstream Summer Precipitation - The GEWEX/GASS/LS4P First Phase Activity
    4PM - UMdPS - EPT
          UMdBpS - What do Genes Look Like? Building Mesoscale Models of Developmentally Regulated Gene Hubs
    4:30PM - UMdSS - Acceleration of cosmic rays in magnetic circumstellar bubbles
    6PM - GMUObs - Imagined Life: What Life might be like on Planets around Distant Stars
    7:15PM - WBMSDG - The dynamic ADP-ribosylome, phosphoproteome, and interactome in LPS-activated macrophages
    7:30PM - GLMSMC - Russian Mineral Treasures
11 - 11AM - UMdEgS - Defect Engineering in Molecular Crystals
    1:15PM - UMdPS - ISP
    2PM - NOAA - Fostering a Culture of Scientific Integrity in NOAA
    2:30PM - UMdPS - Nonlinear optics with collective excitations and photoinduced  superconductivity
                      High Energy Seminar
    4PM - UMdPS - Symmetries in quantum field theory and quantum gravity
    6PM - NiN - Being Present: Paths of Mindfulness
    8PM - NASM - The Sun in a New Light (ticket reqired)
12 - 11AM - UMdCS - Phys/ANE/ChemPhys Joint Seminar
            UMdCSS - Promoting Pro-social Behavior with End-to-End Data Science
    3PM - UMdPS - LPS
    3:15PM - UMdMS - Some Applications of Statistics in Physics: quantized light, scattering, and tomography
    4:05PM - UMdSS - How big are galactic winds?
13 - 11AM - UMdCS - Transition Metal Catalyzed Hydroarylation of Olefins: New Catalysts for Alkyl and Alkenyl Arenes
    12:30PM - UMdPS - AD
    1:30PM - UMdPS - High Energy Seminar
    2PM - UMdPS - Ultrafast enhancement of exchange interaction and short range spin correlations probed by magnetoelastic coupling in CrSiTe3
    3:30PM - UMdES - Interactions between Asian air pollution and the monsoon system: Effects on air quality and atmospheric composition in the UTLS region
    4PM - UMdBS - Green Health: How Access to Nature in the city can boost Mental and Social Health
14 - 9AM - UMdEgS - Be
    1PM - UMdPS - Controlling Light-Matter Interactions Using Two-Dimensional Materials and Heterostructures
16 - 1:30PM - RSC - Introductory Quantum Programming Series Session 5
17 - 11AM - UMdBS - Moving Synthetic Biology Forward: Engineering Biomaterials to Control Synthetic Gene Networks
    4PM - UMdPS - EPT
    7PM - RSC - Introduction to locks and physical security systems
18 - 11AM - UMdCS - NMR of Glycans ON and OFF Cells
            UMdEgS - ChBE
    1:15PM - UMdPS - ISP
    4PM - UMdPS - Quantum Tools for the Life Sciences
    7PM - RSC - Introduction to locks and physical security systems
19 - 11AM - UMdCS - Phys/ANE/ChemPhys Joint Seminar
    noon - NOAA - Exploring Instrument Hosting Potentials from Emerging Internet Platforms
    1PM - APS - LIGO-Virgo Gravitational-Wave Findings So Far, and Current Events
    3PM - UMdPS - LPS
    4:05PM - UMdSS - The Central Molecular Zone of the Galaxy: Dense Clouds, Massive Stars and Magnetic Fields
    7PM - WCDG - LC-MS/MS Method for Neurochemical Detection in Biological Samples
20 - 11AM - UMdCS - New Coupling Technologies in Organic Synthesis
    12:30PM - UMdPS - From atoms to dynamics (with help from statistical physics and AI)
    1:30PM - UMdPS - High Energy Seminar
    3:30PM - UMdES - Geostationary Lightning Mapper Research and Operational Applications
    4PM - UMdBS - PSL
    7PM - HAL
    8PM - UMdObs - The Evolution of Galaxies Through Cosmic Time
21 - 10:15AM - UMdBS - Seeing Smells: Olfaction in domestic dog cognition research
    1PM - UMdPS - MSE
    8PM - PSW - Cryo-Electron Microscopy
24 - 11AM - UMdPS - JQI
    11:15AM - UMdSS - Parker Solar Probe
    4PM - UMdPS - EPT
          UMdBpS - Thermal fluctuations and elastic and viscous properties in lipid bilayers measured by means of neutron spectroscopy
    4:30PM - UMdSS
25 - 11AM - UMdCS - A Whole New World of Biochemistry: Functional Metabolic Complexes in Living Human Cells
    1:15PM - UMdPS - ISP
    4PM - UMdPS
26 - 11AM - UMdCS - Phys/ANE/PhysChem Joint Seminar
            UMdCSS - QuICS
    12:30PM - UMdBS - Dilucidating the origin of venom type variation in three rattlesnake species
    1PM - LFV - From Iwo Jima to Fallingwater: 30 years Working on Conservation of Sculpture, Decorative Arts, and Historic Objects
    1:30PM - UMdPS - High Energy Seminar
    3PM - UMdPS - LPS
    4:05PM - UMdSS
    6:30PM - CI CSE - Meltwater On, In, and Under the Greenland Ice Sheet (registration required)
27 - 11AM - UMdPS - NT
            UMdBS - VM
    12:30PM - UMdPS - Utilizing Noise to Alter Dynamic Response of Coupled Oscillator Arrays
              UMdBS - MOCB RIP
    3PM - NOAA - Warm-water anomalies in the mesophilic depth range of the Southern California Bight with implications for gorgonian octocorals
    3:30PM - NOAA - Crumbling reefs: a natural ocean acidification laboratory in the Northeast Pacific
              UMdES - DS
    4PM - UMdBS - PSL
    7:30PM - ASG
28 - 9AM - UMdEgS - Be
    10:15AM - UMdBS - Theories on human locomotion: How healthy humans walk stably and efficiently, with implications to design of assistive devices.
    1PM - UMdPS - MSE
2 - 11:15AM - UMdSS - Raman and reflectance spectroscopy in planetary science
3 - 11AM - UMdEgS - Self-Assembling Prodrugs: From Molecular Assembly to Supramolecular Medicine
    8PM - STScI - Exoplanets: A Search for New Worlds
4 - 3:15PM - UMdMS - Artistic mathematics: truth and beauty
5 - 3PM - NOAA - A coral of a different color: Genetic insights to the diversity and distribution of gorgonian octocorals in the US Gulf of Mexico
    3:30PM - NOAA - Comparative observations of flow intensity around Hawaiian deep-sea corals
6 - 10:15AM - UMdBS - Intercellular signaling between sensory receptor cells and specialized glia in the inner ear
    8PM - PSW - Brain Models, Brain Chips, Brain Nets
9 - 11:15AM - UMdSS - Asteroids
10 - 11AM - UMdEgS - Toward a Mechanistic Understanding of Complex Interfacial Interactions
    12:30PM - UMdBS - The evolution of gene regulation during the duplication-driven expansion of a gene family
    2PM - NOAA - What It Takes to Build a Weather-Ready Nation
    6PM - NiN - Futurescapes: Envisioning What's Next
12 - 12:30PM - UMdPS - Testing of a Hybrid Modeling Approach for the Prediction of the Atmospheric State by Blending Numerical Modeling and Machine Learning
13 - noon - UMdBS - Mechanisms that govern Bacterial Penetration of the Blood-Brain Barrier
                    Changes in animal migration and consequences for infectious disease: Monarch butterflies as a case study
14 - 7:30PM - NCA - A Geochemist's Perspective on Planetary Differentiation
17 - 4PM - MAA - Data Science: The Discipline, Methods, and Preparation (sold out)
18 - noon - NOAA - Validation of the Polarimetric Radio Occultation and Heavy Precipitation (ROHP) data and Potential Application to Weather Modeling
    4PM - MAA - Data Science: The Discipline, Methods, and Preparation (sold out)
    8PM - NASM - More Things in the Heavens: Infrared Exploration with the Spitzer Space telescope (ticket required)
19 - noon - NOAA - Observational Needs for Marine Ecosystem Modeling and Forecasting: From Coastal Systems to the Global Ocean
    3PM - NOAA - Characterizing Potential Distributions of Deep-Sea Corals and Sponges Offshore the US West Coast through Spatial Predictive Modeling
    6:30PM - DASER - The Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water (registration & photo ID required)
    7:30PM - TBC - Searching for Harmony between Human Societies and Their Sustaining Environments (registration)
20 - 8PM - PSW - Robotics
27 - 10:15AM - UMdBS - Extraordinary variations of musicality
    3PM - UMdGS - Systems Paleontology
30 - 11:15AM - UMdSS - Giant planet characterization
31 - 11AM - UMdEgS - Controllable and Predictable Synthesis of Colloidal Metal Nanocrystals
    6:30PM - CI CSE - Climate Change: A Threat Multiplier (registration required)
2 - 3PM - NOAA - Combining eDNA and traditional surveys to study biodiversity in seamount communities
6 - 11:15AM - Atmospheres and biosignatures of exoplanets
7 - 12:30PM - UMdBS - Genomic consequences of X chromosome drive
9 - 12:30PM - UMdBS - Characterization of Packaged Chromatin in Papillomavirus Virions
10 - 9AM - UMdEgS - Heart Valve Mechanobiology: Implications for HV Disease and Treatment
11 - 7:30PM - NCA - Shedding Light on Gravitational Waves
13 - 4:30PM - UMdSS - Achieving detailed information about the structure of stars and AGN with optical interferometry
    7:30PM - GLMSMC - Amethyst
14 - 2PM - NOAA - The Opportunity Imperative
16 - 3PM - NOAA - Quantifying the overlap of trawl fisheries with deep-sea corals and sponges in the Aleutians Islands, Alaska
19 - noon-5PM - RSC - Rockville Science Day
20 - 11:15AM - UMdSS - Observability of exoplanets
23 - 6:30PM - CI CSE - Exoplanets and the Search for Habitable Worlds (registration required)
24 - 9AM - UMdEgS - Dynamic Hydrogel Matrices: Cell Biology in the Fourth Dimension
    8PM - NASM - Exploring Space with Wendy Freedman (ticket required)
25 - 10AM-4PM - UMd. - Maryland Day
25-26 - USASEF
27 - 11:15AM - UMdSS - Asteroids

Latest revision as of 04:30, 18 September 2024

Sept. 19 3:30PM UMdES - Three case studies in greenhouse gas emissions - new insights provided by an expanded atmospheric observing network 7 RSC Numberphiles - Math Jeopardy (registration) 25 6:30PM CI CSE - An Enterprise Approach to Biotech and Medicine (ticket required) Oct. 3 3:30PM UMdES - NASA's High-Resolution GEOS Forecasting and Reanalysis Products: A unified Tool from Local and Global Scales 12 1PM RSC - Community STEM Day