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October 2019
26 - 10AM-3PM - RSC - Celebrating Chemistry: Marvelous Metals
19 3:30PM UMdES - Three case studies in greenhouse gas emissions - new insights provided by an expanded atmospheric observing network
27 - 3PM - RSC - Introductory Reinforcement Learning Series
  7 RSC Numberphiles - Math Jeopardy (registration)
28 - 9:15AM-4:30PM - NAS - Beyond the Black Box  The Future of Machine Learning and Data-Intensive Computing in the Solid Earth Geosciences (reservation required -
25 6:30PM CI CSE - An Enterprise Approach to Biotech and Medicine (ticket required)
    9:30AM - UMdMS - Ph.D. Preliminary Oral Exam
    11AM - IBBR - Investigations of Plant Cell Wall Synthesis and Deconstruction
3 3:30PM UMdES - NASA's High-Resolution GEOS Forecasting and Reanalysis Products: A unified Tool from Local and Global Scales
            UMdPS - Solid-State Spin-Photon Interfaces: Old Friends & New
12 1PM RSC - Community STEM Day
    noon - UMdBS - BEES
            NOAA - Tools for interpreting how and what neural networks learn, and their applications for climate and weather
    2PM - UMdMS - ANT
    3PM - UMdMS - A D'Ambra Theorem in conformal Lorentzian geometry
    4PM - UMdBpS - Development of Synthetic Switches in Plants
    4:30PM - UMdSS - New Advancements in our Understanding of AGN Feedback from the VLA and Beyond
29 - 1PM - UMdCSS - PhD Defense: Improving the Usability of Static Analysis Tools Using Machine Learning
    3:30PM - UMdBS - ANSC
              UMdMS - Data-dependent performance modeling of linear solvers for sparse matrices
    4PM - UMdPS - Machine Learning and the Scientific Method
30 - 9AM - UMdEgS - Engineering new tools to understand mucus function and dysfunction
    11AM - UMdCSS - Computer-Mediated Communication in Multilingual Teams
                    A Quantum Computational Compiler and Design Tool for Technology-Specific Targets
            UMdCS - Properties of Nanoscale Lipid Bilayers: Phase Transitions and Enhanced Sampling
    noon - NOAA - National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) 101: What I Wish I'd Known When I Worked at Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR)
    2PM - UMdMS - Equivalent definitions of Arthur-packets for real classical groups
    2:30PM - UMdPS - The Collisional Penrose Process and its Role in Dark Matter Annihilation Around Black Holes
    3PM - UMdPS - LPS
    3:15PM - UMdMS - Celestial surfaces
    4PM - UMdPS - Axion Dark Matter Detection with CMB Polarization
    4:05PM - UMdSS - The magnetic interstellar medium in three dimensions
31 - 8:30AM-5PM - NAS - Supplemental Treatment of Low-Activity Waste at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation (registration)
    11AM - UMdCS - SS
            UMdBS - Heritable information in living systems
    12:30PM - UMdPS - A putative mechanism for implicit learning in biological and artificial neural systems
              UMdBS - MOCB RIP
    2PM - UMdPS - 2D Magnets, Heterostructures, and Spintronic Devices
          UMdMS - D
    3:30PM - UMdES - Climatology of the Hot Event in the Western Equatorial Pacific
    4PM - UMdBS - Cell Expansion Control in Plant Growth and Reproduction
          UMdPS - NTS
    7PM - RSC - MoCo Makers Group
1 - 10AM - UMdCS(IBBR) - Protein Fold Switching: Investigating the Mechanism of ??-plait to 3? Fold Interconversion
    10:15AM - UMdBS - Connecting vision to behavior in Drosophila
    11AM - UMdCSS - Acoustics in the Age of IoT: Challenges, Opportunities, and threats
    noon - UMdBS - Leaf-associated periphyton in heterotrophic streams: Effect on macroinvertebrate assemblages and growth
    1PM - UMdPS - Modeling of Heat Flow Across Interfaces
    3PM - UMdGS - Shakedowns, creeps, and other triggering events: investigating the relationship between water and earthquakes in California and Taiwan
    8PM - PSW - Tess' Exoplanets  Results of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite Mission
    "14:00" - UMdSS - Exoplanet atmospheric escape
3 - 1PM - RSC - Linux / Unix User Group
4 - 10AM - UMdCS - Development of a Microscale Electrochemical Platform for the Analysis of Thermal Profiles of Immobilized DNA Secondary Structures
    11AM - UMdPS - Focusing light in space and time
    11:15AM - UMdSS Icy ocean world interiors - techniques and implications
    4PM - UMdBpS - Simple ingredients, remarkable outcomes - Molecular machines and the secrets of life
    6PM - GMUObs - This Isn't Your Grandaddy's Moon
    6:30PM - UMdSoT - Blowing Up Mountains for Coal: Environmental Impacts That Never Stop (registration)
5 - 11AM - UMdPS - Generic "Unnecessary" Quantum Critical Points
    1:15PM - UMdPS - Rare-Event Path-Sampling via the Weighted Ensemble Strategy: Successes, Challenges, and New Frontiers
    4PM - UMdPS - A Stylized History of Quantitative Finance
    8PM - UMdObs - Transit of Mercury
6 - 9AM - UMgEgS - From molecules to devices: mechanistic analyses of electrochemical energy
    11AM - UMdCS - Development and Application of a Polarizable Force Field based on the Classical Drude Oscillator
    noon - UMdGcS - Analysis of metal phases from carbonaceous chondrites for the study of the chemical evolution of the solar system
    4:05PM - UMdSS - High Mass Neutron Stars for Fun and Profit
7 - 11AM - UMdCS - Chemical Synthesis and Biology of Immune Relevant Carbohydrates for Novel Immunotherapeutics
    11:30AM - NOAA - Machine Learning for Forecasting and Data Assimilation
    2PM - UMdPS - Trivia (I) Night: What is a superconductor?
    3:30PM - UMdES - Efforts to merge MODIS and VIIRS cloud property data records
    4PM - UMdBS - Toward the better management of grape ripe rot
          UMdPS - A Modern Perspective on Nambu-Goldstone Bosons
    6:30PM - CI NLS - The Biology of Corals, Basic Research and Environmental Health (registration recommended)
8 - 9AM - UMdEgS - The blood microenvironment: the good, bad and the sticky
    10:15AM - UMdBS - Building internal models in the cerebellum
    noon - UMdBS - Impact of postharvest practices on Bt degradation in corn plants
    1PM - UMdPS - Shape-Symmetry Incommensurate Polymer Crystals
    3PM - UMdGS - Tracking volatile recycling in a heterogeneous mantle: Insights from the boron isotope composition of ocean island basalts
9 - 1:30PM - NCAS - Bizarre Psychological Disorders
10 - 7PM - NoVAC - History of NASA's Manned Missions
11 - 11:15AM - UMdSS - Observations of exoplanet atmospheres
    noon - UMdES - New Insights to the Workings of the Solid Earth from Short-lived Radiogenic Isotopes
    4:30PM - UMdSS - New Mission Concept: Investigation of the Galactic Center in energy range 0.1 - 10 MeV with the Galactic Center Explrer
12 - 1PM - RSC ST - The merging of Science and Religion: Essential to maximizing human freedom and security in an interdependent world. Do the math! (registration required)
    4PM - UMdPS - Physics and engineering of strong terahertz pulse generation
    7:30PM - HacDC - monthly meeting
13 - noon - UMdGcS - Building Blocks of the Solar System and Earth
    7:30PM - HacDC - amateur radio
14 - 11AM - UMdBS - Peli1-mediated infection and immunity: a tale of two neurotropic flaviviruses
    2PM - UMdPS - Phenomenology of the overdoped Cuprates
    3:30PM - UMdES - Aerosol Chemistry in Baltimore: Effects of Agriculture, Industry, and the Urban Heat Island
              UMdBS - Reverse Engineering the Origins of Intelligence
    4PM - UMdBS - Functions of the type-B cytokinin response regulators in plant growth and development
15 - 10:15AM - UMdBS - Comparative neurobiology of vocal communication
    noon - UMdBS - Untangling pesticide use patterns in US agriculture and their effects on beneficial insects
    3PM - UMdGS - Azimuthal P-P seismic measurements: Past, present, and future
    8PM - PSW - Global Autonomous Ocean Sensor Flotilla  ARGO and the Global Integrated Observation Strategy
16 - 7PM - Sexy Science, Serious Humor (registration & photo ID required, see DASER)
17 - 7PM - CSW/WCDG - Challenges in Forensic Separations (reservation requested - [email protected], (202) 659-2650)
18 - 11:15AM - UMdSS - Comet Interceptor
    4PM - UMdBpS - Designing proteins for function
    4:30PM - UMdSS - Neutrinos from Nuclear Reactors
    5:30PM - GMUObs - Shedding Light on Gravitational Waves
    7:30PM - GLMSMC - The Lost History of Potomac Marble
19 - 4PM - UMdPS - X-ray sources from laser-plasma acceleration: development and applications for high energy density sciences
20 - 11AM - UMdCSS - Playing Games with Multiple Access Channels
    noon - UMdGcS - Probing the deep mantle through hotspot volcanism and geodynamic models
    3:15PM - UMdMS - Discretizing Manifolds with Minimal Energy
    4PM - UMdCS - Polymer-Assisted Metal Deposition for Soft Electrodes and Devices
    8PM - UMdObs - Exploring Volcanoes in Central Iceland as Analogs for Planetary Surfaces
21 - 2PM - UMdPS - Enhancing superconductivity using quantum optics toolbox
    4PM - UMdBS - Plant Synthetic Biology will Revolutionize Agricultural Capabilities and Sustainability
    7PM - HAL - Meteor Astronomy from Lawn Chairs to the Digital Age
    7:30PM - ASG - Telescope show and tell night
22 - 9AM - UMdEgS - Measuring mechanical forces at cell-cell junctions and the nuclear LINC complex
    11AM - UMdCSS - SLOG: Serializable, Low-latency, Geo-replicated Transactions
    noon - UMdBS - Why socio-environmental research is so important: the role of UMD's National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC)
2 - 11:15AM - UMdSS - Giant planet characterization
3 - 8PM - STScI - Red and Brown Dwarfs: Understanding our Smallest and Closest (sub)Stellar Neighbors
5 - 12:30PM - UMdPS - Critical phenomena with interacting photons in driven-dissipative micro-cavities
    6:30PM - CI CSE - The Day We Found the Universe (registration required)
    8PM - UMdObs - ASTR 310 Student Research
6 - 10:15AM - UMdBS - Color as a tool for understanding how brains/minds work
    11AM - UMdCSS - Can AI figure out your emotion just by looking at your walk?
    8PM - PSW - The Brain in Super-Resolution 3-D  Large Volume Molecular Mapping of Brain Circuits
9 - 11:15AM - UMdSS - Interstellar visitor: 21/Borisov
10 - 4PM - UMdPS - Effective non-Hermitian evolution of a superconducting qubit: probing the topology of a Reimann surface with quantum states
11 - 2PM - UMdPS - Calculating FSR with Quantum Computer
16 - 11:15AM - UMdSS - Climate studies of terrestrial exoplanets
18 - 2PM - UMdPS - ( g - 2 ) results from their (Adam Lyon) experiment

Latest revision as of 04:30, 18 September 2024

Sept. 19 3:30PM UMdES - Three case studies in greenhouse gas emissions - new insights provided by an expanded atmospheric observing network 7 RSC Numberphiles - Math Jeopardy (registration) 25 6:30PM CI CSE - An Enterprise Approach to Biotech and Medicine (ticket required) Oct. 3 3:30PM UMdES - NASA's High-Resolution GEOS Forecasting and Reanalysis Products: A unified Tool from Local and Global Scales 12 1PM RSC - Community STEM Day