
Area science event list: Difference between revisions

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October 2019
October 2019
11 - 10:15AM - UMdBS - Corticostriatal computations in learning and decision making
    11AM - IBBR - Nano-TriVac: A Novel and Efficient Three Component-Based Vaccine Platform
    noon - UMdBS - Systematic genetic perturbation screens to map biological networks
    1PM - UMdPS - MSES
12 - 7:30PM - NCA - Interacting Galaxies and Blue Blobs
13 - 3PM - RSC - Introductory Reinforcement Learning Series
13 - 3PM - RSC - Introductory Reinforcement Learning Series
     7PM - NoVAC - The Initial Solar Encounters of NASA's Parker Solar Probe
     7PM - NoVAC - The Initial Solar Encounters of NASA's Parker Solar Probe

Revision as of 22:46, 13 October 2019

See for the "instruction manual" for this list. October 2019 13 - 3PM - RSC - Introductory Reinforcement Learning Series 7PM - NoVAC - The Initial Solar Encounters of NASA's Parker Solar Probe 14 - 11AM - UMdPS - JQI noon - UMdBS - BEES 3PM - UMdPS - EPT 15 - 11AM - UMdCS UMdPS - Exotic superconductivity in nearly ferromagnetic UTe2 2PM - UMdBS - Implications of Non-uniqueness of Solutions in Cancer Phylogenetics 4PM - UMdPS - Information, Time, and Life 7PM - RSC - Nuclear Energy-Choices and Challenges (registration optional) 16 - 11AM - UMdCSS - The FATE of NLP UMdCS 1PM - APS - Biophysics of Life in Extreme Environments 3:15PM - UMdMS - Validity of Steady Prandtl Expansion 4:05PM - UMdSS - The Cauldron of Planet Formation: Understanding our Origins with Infrared Spectroscopy 7PM - WCDG - Characterizing the Gut Microbiome 17 - 11AM - UMdCS - Crystals and 3D Printing Polymers UMdPS - NTS 12:30PM - UMdPS - Using machine learning to assess short term causal dependence and infer network links UMdBS - MOCB RIP 2PM - UMdPS - The Unprecedented Thermoelectric Properties of Nodal Semimetals in a Magnetic Field 4PM - UMdBS - Another Brick in the Wall: Regulating Cell Wall Synthesis in Plants 4:05PM - UMdSS - The Representation and Retention of Women in Physics and Astronomy 6:30PM - DASER - Informal Education (registration & photo ID required) 7PM - HAL RSC - MoCo Makers Group 18 - 10AM - UMdBS - Special Plant Science Seminar noon - UMdBS - Apobec Enzymes in Virus and Tumor Evolution ENTM 1PM - UMdPS - Electrical Energy Storage: Near-term and Long-term Perspectives 3PM - UMdGS - House building, subdivision development and farming in (and below) the active rift zones of Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes, island of Hawai'i: What could possibly go wrong? 8PM - PSW - Like Life Bottom-Up Synthetic Biology 20 - 1PM - RSC - Linux / Unix User Group 9PM - UMdObs 21 - 11AM - UMdPS - JQI noon - UMdBS - BEES 3PM - UMdPS - EPT 4PM - UMdBpS - Dynameomics: From Simulation of All Protein Folds to the Design of Amyloid Inhibitors and Diagnostics 4:30PM - UMdSS - LIGO-Virgo Gravitational-Wave Findings So Far, and Current Events 6:30PM - GMUObs - What You Don't Know Can Kill You: The Case of Asteroids 22 - 11AM - UMdCS 12:30PM - UMdBS - EGS 1:15PM - UMdPS - ISPS 4PM - UMdPS 8PM - NASM - USS Hornet: Stories of the Apollo 11 Recovery (ticket required) 23 - 9AM - UMdEgS - Towards Scalable Manufacturing of Nanocomposite Films and Membranes Using Capillarity 11AM - UMdCS noon - UMdGcS - The Dirty Water Wheel: Biogeochemical Cycling along Watersheds 4PM - UMdPS - Earth Strikes Back: The DART Mission to Impact an Asteroid 4:05PM - UMdSS 6:30PM - CI CSE - Slow, Energy-efficient, and Mysterious Life Deep Within Earth's Crust (registration required) 24 - 11AM - UMdCS IBBR - Design principles for bispecific IgGs - opportunities and pitfalls of artificial disulfide bonds UMdBS - Can we sensitize staph aureus to beta-lactam drugs again? 12:30PM - UMdBS - MOCB RIP UMdPS - AD 2PM - UMdPS - CNAM 3:30PM - UMdES - Local atmosphere-ocean predictability: dynamical origins,lead times, and seasonality UMdBS - Limits and possibilities of modality's effect on language: phonology through the lens of sign languages 4PM - UMdBS - Regulation of Plant Cell Expansion by SAUR-PPC.D Control Modules 4:05PM - UMdSS - BANG 7PM - RSC - MoCo Makers Group 7:30PM - ASG - Ghosts of Astronomies Past 25 - 9AM - UMdEgS - Programmable DNA nanostructures for biomedical research 10:15AM - UMdBS - The challenges of learning complex behavioral sequences -- lessons from songbirds noon - UMdBS - CBMG ENTM 1PM - UMdPS - Materials Science Investigations to Advance Li-ion and Li Metal Batteries 3PM - UMdGS - Searching for the deep roots of arc volcanoes: results from iMUSH seismic imaging in the Washington Cascades 26 - 10AM-3PM - RSC - Celebrating Chemistry: Marvelous Metals 27 - 3PM - RSC - Introductory Reinforcement Learning Series 28 - 11AM - IBBR UMdPS - JQI noon - UMdBS - BEES 4PM - UMdBpS UMdPS - EPT 4:30PM - UMdSS - New Advancements in our Understanding of AGN Feedback from the VLA and Beyond 29 - 4PM - UMdPS - Machine Learning and the Scientific Method 30 - 11AM - UMdCSS - Mental Health as an NLP Problem UMdCS 3:15PM - UMdMS 4:05PM - UMdSS - The magnetic interstellar medium in three dimensions 31 - 11AM - UMdCS - SS UMdBS - Heritable information in living systems 12:30PM - UMdPS - A putative mechanism for implicit learning in biological and artificial neural systems UMdBS - MOCB RIP 4PM - UMdBS - Cell Expansion Control in Plant Growth and Reproduction 4:05PM - UMdSS - BANG 7PM - RSC - MoCo Makers Group November 1 - 10:15AM - UMdBS - Connecting vision to behavior in Drosophila 11AM - UMdCSS - Acoustics in the Age of IoT: Challenges, Opportunities, and threats noon - UMdBS - Algal contribution to trophic dynamics in heterotrophic streams: Impact on macroinvertebrate diversity and growth 1PM - UMdPS - Modeling of Heat Flow Across Interfaces 3PM - UMdGS - Shakedowns, creeps, and other triggering events: investigating the relationship between water and earthquakes in California and Taiwan 8PM - PSW - Tess' Exoplanets Results of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite Mission 3 - 1PM - RSC - Linux / Unix User Group 4 - 4PM - UMdBpS - Beyond the Cartoons: Towards a Systems Biology of Molecular Machines 6PM - GMUObs - This Isn't Your Grandaddy's Moon 6:30PM - UMdSoT - Blowing Up Mountains for Coal: Environmental Impacts That Never Stop (registration) 5 - 1:15PM - UMdPS - Rare-Event Path-Sampling via the Weighted Ensemble Strategy: Successes, Challenges, and New Frontiers 8PM - UMdObs - Transit of Mercury 6 - noon - UMdGcS - Analysis of metal phases from carbonaceous chondrites for the study of the chemical evolution of the solar system 7 - 3:30PM - UMdES - Efforts to merge MODIS and VIIRS cloud property data records 6:30PM - CI NLS - The Biology of Corals, Basic Research and Environmental Health (registration recommended) 8 - 9AM - UMdEgS - The blood microenvironment: the good, bad and the sticky 10:15AM - UMdBS - Building internal models in the cerebellum noon - UMdBS - Impact of postharvest practices on Bt degradation in corn plants 1PM - UMdPS - Shape-Symmetry Incommensurate Polymer Crystals 3PM - UMdGS - Tracking volatile recycling in a heterogeneous mantle: Insights from the boron isotope composition of ocean island basalts 12 - 1PM - RSC ST - The merging of Science and Religion: Essential to maximizing human freedom and security in an interdependent world. Do the math! (registration required) 13 - noon - UMdGcS - Building Blocks of the Solar System and Earth 14 - 3:30PM - UMdES - Aerosol Chemistry in Baltimore: Effects of Agriculture, Industry, and the Urban Heat Island UMdBS - Reverse Engineering the Origins of Intelligence 15 - 10:15AM - UMdBS - Comparative neurobiology of vocal communication 3PM - UMdGS - Azimuthal P-P seismic measurements: Past, present, and future 8PM - PSW - Global Autonomous Ocean Sensor Flotilla ARGO and the Global Integrated Observation Strategy 17 - 7PM - CSW/WCDG - Challenges in Forensic Separations (reservation requested - [email protected], (202) 659-2650) 18 - 4PM - UMdBpS - Designing proteins for function 5:30PM - GMUObs - Shedding Light on Gravitational Waves 7:30PM - GLMSMC - The Lost History of Potomac Marble 20 - noon - UMdGcS - Probing the deep mantle through hotspot volcanism and geodynamic models 8PM - UMdObs - Exploring Volcanoes in Central Iceland as Analogs for Planetary Surfaces 21 - 4PM - UMdBS - Plant Syntetic Biology will Revolutionize Agricultural Capabilities and Sustainability 7:30PM - ASG - Telescope show and tell night 22 - 9AM - UMdEgS - Measuring mechanical forces at cell-cell junctions and the nuclear LINC complex 11AM - UMdCSS - SLOG: Serializable, Low-latency, Geo-replicated Transactions noon - UMdBS - Why socio-environmental research is so important: the role of UMD's National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) December 3 - 8PM - STScI - Red and Brown Dwarfs: Understanding our Smallest and Closest (sub)Stellar Neighbors 5 - 6:30PM - CI CSE - The Day We Found the Universe (registration required) 8PM - UMdObs - ASTR 310 Student Research 6 - 10:15AM - UMdBS - Color as a tool for understanding how brains/minds work 8PM - PSW - The Brain in Super-Resolution 3-D Large Volume Molecular Mapping of Brain Circuits