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(Link to Bobby's calendar of upcoming science events)
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This is the "instruction manual" for the [[Area science event list]] - a calendar / schedule of upcoming events.
This is the "instruction manual" for the [[Area science event list]] - a calendar / schedule of upcoming events.
This is an incomplete list of science events (talks and science fairs; excluding book, article, or movie discussions, workshops, and events focused on finance rather than science) in the Washington area and at the STScI and BUGSS in Baltimore. Only free events are listed but registration, a free ticket, or other advance arrangements may be required (noted when known). Normal times and locations for events are given below but note that there may be exceptions.  
This is an incomplete list of science events (talks and science fairs; excluding book, article, or movie discussions, workshops, and events focused on finance rather than science) in the Washington area and at the STScI and BUGSS in Baltimore. Only free events are listed but registration, a free ticket, or other advance arrangements may be required (noted when known). Normal times and locations for events are given below but note that there may be exceptions.  

Warning: All events are subject to change with no warning. Send additions, corrections, comments, etc. to: [email protected]
Warning: All events are subject to change with no warning. Send additions, corrections, comments, etc. to: [email protected]

<nowiki>*</nowiki>=intended for students below college level; check event for details
Cafe Scientifique -
CI=Carnegie Institute  
== General ==
CSE=[ Capital Science Evenings] - 6:45PM Carnegie Institute (1530 P St. NW Washington, D.C. 20005) (registration required)
NLS=[ Neighborhood Lecture Series] - 6:30PM Broad Branch Road Campus (5251 Broad Branch Rd. NW Washington, D.C. 20015) (registration recommended)
* Cafe Scientifique -
DASER=[ DC Art Science Evening Rendezvous] - 6PM (registration and photo ID required)
* CI=Carnegie Institute  
DCSC=[ D.C. Science Cafe] - 6:30PM Busboys and Poets (1025 5th St. NW (5th & K St.) Washington, D.C. 20001 (202)789-BBAP
** CSE=[ Capital Science Evenings] - 6:45PM Carnegie Institute (1530 P St. NW Washington, D.C. 20005) (registration required)
[ HacDC] - (202)556-4225 - 7:30PM St. Stephen & the Incarnation Episcopal Church 2nd floor (1525 Newton St. NW Washington, D.C. 20010
** NLS=[ Neighborhood Lecture Series] - 6:30PM Broad Branch Road Campus (5251 Broad Branch Rd. NW Washington, D.C. 20015) (registration recommended)
LDPL=[ The Labs at DC Public Library]
* DASER=[ DC Art Science Evening Rendezvous] - 6PM (registration and photo ID required)
LFV=Little Falls Village - (301) 320-3267 - 1:30PM Little Falls Library
* DCSC=[ D.C. Science Cafe] - 6:30PM Busboys and Poets (1025 5th St. NW (5th & K St.) Washington, D.C. 20001 (202)789-BBAP
NAS=[ National Academy of Sciences]
* [ HacDC] - (202)556-4225 - 7:30PM St. Stephen & the Incarnation Episcopal Church 2nd floor (1525 Newton St. NW Washington, D.C. 20010
[ Division on Earth and Life Studies]
* LDPL=[ The Labs at DC Public Library]
NCAS=[ National Capital Area Skeptics] - (240)670-NCAS - 1:30PM
* LFV=Little Falls Village - (301) 320-3267 - 1:30PM Little Falls Library
[ Nerd Nite DC]
* NAS=[ National Academy of Sciences]
[ Nerds in NoMa] - 6:30PM 1200 1st St. NE (1st & M St.) Washington, D.C.
** [ Division on Earth and Life Studies]
PSW=[ Philosophical Society of Washington] - 8PM John Wesley Powell Auditorium (left of Cosmos Club 2170 Florida Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20008)
* NCAS=[ National Capital Area Skeptics] - (240)670-NCAS - 1:30PM
RSC=[ Rockville Science Center] -  (240)FUN-8111
* [ Nerd Nite DC]
RSC=Rockville Science Cafe - 3rd Tue. 7PM Crossroads BBQ & Grill (387 E. Gude Dr. Rockville, Md. 20850
* [ Nerds in NoMa] - 6:30PM 1200 1st St. NE (1st & M St.) Washington, D.C.
ST=Science Tuesdays
* PSW=[ Philosophical Society of Washington] - 8PM John Wesley Powell Auditorium (left of Cosmos Club 2170 Florida Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20008)
<nowiki>*</nowiki>YASC=Young Adult Science Cafe
* RSC=[ Rockville Science Center] -  (240)FUN-8111
Rockville Science Day - April noon Montgomery College (51 Mannakee St. Rockville, Md. 20850)
** RSC=Rockville Science Cafe - 3rd Tue. 7PM Crossroads BBQ & Grill (387 E. Gude Dr. Rockville, Md. 20850
TBC=[ The Bowen Center for the Study of the Family] - 4400 MacArthur Boulevard, NW Suite 103, Washington, DC 20007-2521
** ST=Science Tuesdays
UMdSoT=[ Science on Tap] -  ([email protected], (301) 405-5845 - MilkBoy ArtHouse 7416 Baltimore Ave., College Park, Md. 20740 - registration)
** <nowiki>*</nowiki>YASC=Young Adult Science Cafe
** Rockville Science Day - April noon Montgomery College (51 Mannakee St. Rockville, Md. 20850)
ASub=American Society for Microbiology MAH=Microbes After Hours - (1752 N St. NW) (registration)
* TBC=[ The Bowen Center for the Study of the Family] - 4400 MacArthur Boulevard, NW Suite 103, Washington, DC 20007-2521
BUGSS=[ Baltimore Under Ground Science Space] - (410)732-0947 (101 N. Haven St. Suite 105 Baltimore, Md. 21224)
* UMdSoT=[ Science on Tap] -  ([email protected], (301) 405-5845 - MilkBoy ArtHouse 7416 Baltimore Ave., College Park, Md. 20740 - registration)
HHMI=[ Howard Hughes Medical Institute] - Janelia Research Campus (19700 Helix Dr. Ashburn, Va. 20147 (571)209-4000) (ticket required)
IBBR=[ Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research] (UMd.)
== Biology ==
SCBI=[ Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute] (National Zoo)
UMdBpS=[ Univ. of Md. Biophysics Seminars] - Mon. 4PM IPST 1116
* ASub=American Society for Microbiology MAH=Microbes After Hours - (1752 N St. NW) (registration)
UMdBS=[ Univ. of Md. biology seminars] (also see IBBR)
* BUGSS=[ Baltimore Under Ground Science Space] - (410)732-0947 (101 N. Haven St. Suite 105 Baltimore, Md. 21224)
ANSC=Animal & Avian Science Seminar
* HHMI=[ Howard Hughes Medical Institute] - Janelia Research Campus (19700 Helix Dr. Ashburn, Va. 20147 (571)209-4000) (ticket required)
ATRIUM=Arabidopsis thaliana Research Initiative at UMd.
* IBBR=[ Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research] (UMd.)
* SCBI=[ Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute] (National Zoo)
* UMdBpS=[ Univ. of Md. Biophysics Seminars] - Mon. 4PM IPST 1116
* UMdBS=[ Univ. of Md. biology seminars] (also see IBBR)
BEES=Behaviour, Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
** ANSC=Animal & Avian Science Seminar
BYOB=Bring Your Own Bioinformatics
** ATRIUM=Arabidopsis thaliana Research Initiative at UMd.
CBBG=Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, and Genomics
** BBS=BISI-BEES Seminar
CBCB=Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
CBG=Computational Biology and Genomics
** BCS=BISI-CBBG Seminar
CBMG=Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
** BEES=Behaviour, Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
CSC=Cognitive Science Colloquium
** BYOB=Bring Your Own Bioinformatics
EC=Entomology Colloquium
** CBBG=Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, and Genomics
EGS=Evo-Gen Seminar
** CBCB=Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
ENTM=Entomology Seminar
** CBG=Computational Biology and Genomics
GEMS=Genetics with Eukaryotic Model Systems
** CBMG=Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
ICRS=Integrative Cancer Research Seminar
** CSC=Cognitive Science Colloquium
MOCB=Molecular and Cellular Biology
** EC=Entomology Colloquium
PSL=Plant Science Lecture
** EGS=Evo-Gen Seminar
PSS=Plant Science Seminar
** ENTM=Entomology Seminar
RIP=Research in Progress
** GEMS=Genetics with Eukaryotic Model Systems
RIPT=Research in Progress Talks
** ICRS=Integrative Cancer Research Seminar
VMSS=VetMed Seminar
** MOCB=Molecular and Cellular Biology
** PSL=Plant Science Lecture
UMdCS=[ Univ. of Md. chemistry seminar]
** PSS=Plant Science Seminar
SS=Student Seminar
** RIP=Research in Progress
CSW=[ Chemical Society of Washington]
** RIPT=Research in Progress Talks
WCDG=[ Washington Chromotography Discussion Group]
** VMSS=VetMed Seminar
UMdEgS=University of Md. engineering seminar series
== Chemistry ==
[ Mechanical Engineering]
CBmES=[  Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering]  
* UMdCS=[ Univ. of Md. chemistry seminar]
FDRS=[ Fluid Dynamics Review series]
** SS=Student Seminar
BeS=[ Bioengineering]
* CSW=[ Chemical Society of Washington]
AsES=Aerospace Engineering Seminar
* WCDG=[ Washington Chromotography Discussion Group]
WBMSDG=[ Washington-Baltimore Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group]
== Engineering ==
BNC=[ Brookside Nature Center] - (1400 Glenallan Ave. Silver Spring, Md. 20902 (301)962-1480)
GLMSMC=[ Gem, Lapidary, and Mineral Society of Montgomery County, MD., Inc.] - 7:30PM 2nd Monday Rockville Senior Center (1150 Carnation Dr. Rockville, Md.)
* UMdEgS=University of Md. engineering seminar series
MNC=[ Meadowside Nature Center] -  (5100 Meadowside La. Rockville, Md. 20858 (301)258-4030)
** [ Mechanical Engineering]
UMdES - [ Univ. of Md. environment seminar]
** CBmES=[  Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering]  
ACBBT=Atmospheric Chemistry Brown Bag Talk - Friday CSS 3400
** FDRS=[ Fluid Dynamics Review series]
DS=AOSC Departmental Seminar - Thursday 3:30PM CSS 2400,
** BeS=[ Bioengineering]
ESSIC=Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center Seminar - Monday noon M-Square 4102,  
** AsES=Aerospace Engineering Seminar
SS=AOSC Student Seminar - Tuesday 3:30PM CSS 3400
* WBMSDG=[ Washington-Baltimore Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group]
UMdGcS=[ Univ. of Md. Geochemistry Seminars] - Wed. 11AM CHEM 0215
UMdGS=[ Univ. of Md. Geology Seminars] - Fri. 3PM PLS 1140
== Environment-Geology ==
PtSW=[ Paleontological Society of Washington] - 3rd Wed. 7PM National Museum of Natural History room E-304
* BNC=[ Brookside Nature Center] - (1400 Glenallan Ave. Silver Spring, Md. 20902 (301)962-1480)
DCAPS=[ DC-Area Anonymity, Privacy, and Security Seminar]
* GLMSMC=[ Gem, Lapidary, and Mineral Society of Montgomery County, MD., Inc.] - 7:30PM 2nd Monday Rockville Senior Center (1150 Carnation Dr. Rockville, Md.)
MAA=[ Mathematical Society of America] - Carriage House (1781 Church St. NW Washington, D.C. 20036 (202)319-8476) (registration)
* MNC=[ Meadowside Nature Center] -  (5100 Meadowside La. Rockville, Md. 20858 (301)258-4030)
UMdCSS= Univ. of Md. computer science [ seminars] and [ talks]
* UMdES - [ Univ. of Md. environment seminar]
CATS=Capital Area Theory Seminar
** ACBBT=Atmospheric Chemistry Brown Bag Talk - Friday CSS 3400
CLIP=Computational Linguistics and Information Processing
** DS=AOSC Departmental Seminar - Thursday 3:30PM CSS 2400,
HCIL=Human-Computer Interaction Lab
** ESSIC=Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center Seminar - Monday noon M-Square 4102,  
QuICS=Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science Seminar
** SS=AOSC Student Seminar - Tuesday 3:30PM CSS 3400
UMdMS=[ Univ. of Md. math seminars]
* UMdGcS=[ Univ. of Md. Geochemistry Seminars] - Wed. 11AM CHEM 0215
ANT=Algebra-Number Theory
* UMdGS=[ Univ. of Md. Geology Seminars] - Fri. 3PM PLS 1140
* PtSW=[ Paleontological Society of Washington] - 3rd Wed. 7PM National Museum of Natural History room E-304
LGRT-Lie Groups and Representation Theory, NA=Numerical Analysis
== Math ==
TOOOL-DC=[ The Open Organisation of Lockpickers] - 1st Wed. The Board Room (1737 Conn. Ave. NW Washington, D.C.)
* DCAPS=[ DC-Area Anonymity, Privacy, and Security Seminar]
* MAA=[ Mathematical Society of America] - Carriage House (1781 Church St. NW Washington, D.C. 20036 (202)319-8476) (registration)
APS=[ American Physical Society] - 3rd Wed. 1PM American Center for Physics (1 Physics Ellipse College Park, Md. 20740 (301)209-3000)
* UMdCSS= Univ. of Md. computer science [ seminars] and [ talks]
UMdPS=[ Univ. of Md. physics seminars]
** CATS=Capital Area Theory Seminar
ADS=Applied Dynamics Seminar
** CLIP=Computational Linguistics and Information Processing
CNAM=Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials
** HCIL=Human-Computer Interaction Lab
CMTC=Condensed Matter Theory Center
** QuICS=Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science Seminar
DSTL=Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Lecture
* UMdMS=[ Univ. of Md. math seminars]
GPS=Gravitational Physics Seminar
** ANT=Algebra-Number Theory
HEP=High Energy Physics
** D=Dynamics
ISP=Informal Statistical Physics
** GT=Geometry-Topology
** LGRT-Lie Groups and Representation Theory, NA=Numerical Analysis
JQI=Joint Quantum Institute
LPS=Laboratory for Physical Sciences
== Misc. ==
MSES=MSE Seminar
NPS=Nuclear Physics Seminar
* TOOOL-DC=[ The Open Organisation of Lockpickers] - 1st Wed. The Board Room (1737 Conn. Ave. NW Washington, D.C.)
NTS=Nuclear Theory Seminar
PPS=Plasma Physics Seminar
== Physics ==
SPS=Space Physics Seminar
* APS=[ American Physical Society] - 3rd Wed. 1PM American Center for Physics (1 Physics Ellipse College Park, Md. 20740 (301)209-3000)
* UMdPS=[ Univ. of Md. physics seminars]
UMdObs=[ Univ. of Md. Observatory open houses] - (301)405-6555 - 5th & 20th 8PM (Nov.-April) or 9PM (May-Oct.) (Metzerott Rd.)
** ADS=Applied Dynamics Seminar
NCA=[ National Capital Astronomers] - 2nd Sat. 7:30PM UMd. Observatory (Metzerott Rd.)
** CNAM=Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials
NoVAC=[ Northern Virginia Astronomy Club] - 2nd Sun. 7PM GMU Research Hall Room 163
** CMTC=Condensed Matter Theory Center
GMUObs=[ George Mason Univ. Observatory] - Research Hall
** DSTL=Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Lecture
TPS=[ The Planetary Society] - [email protected]
** GPS=Gravitational Physics Seminar
ISUSC=[ International Space University Space Cafe] - 7PM 2nd Tue. Brixton (901 U St. NW)
** HEP=High Energy Physics
ASG=[ Astronomical Society of Greenbelt] - last Thur. 7:30PM
** ISP=Informal Statistical Physics
HAL=[ Howard Astronomical League] - 3rd Thur. 7PM Robinson Nature Center downstairs (6692 Cedar La. Columbia, Md. 21044 (410)313-0400)
NASM=[ National Air & Space Museum] - (202)633-1000 (WNIA?=What's New in Aerospace?)
** JQI=Joint Quantum Institute
[ Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Colloquium] (restricted access; not included in list)
** LPS=Laboratory for Physical Sciences
STScI=[ Space Telescope Science Institute] - 1st Tue. 8PM (3700 San Martin Dr. Baltimore, Md. 21218 (410)338-4700
** MSES=MSE Seminar
UMdSS=UMd. space seminar
** NPS=Nuclear Physics Seminar
[ Astronomy]
** NTS=Nuclear Theory Seminar
AC=Astronomy Colloquia - Wed. 4:05PM CSS 2400
** PPS=Plasma Physics Seminar
BANG=Better Astronomy for a New Generation - Thur. 4PM PSC 1136
** QuICS-see UMdCSS
CTC=CTC Theory Lunch - Mon. 11AM PSC 1136
** SPS=Space Physics Seminar
LCS=LMA/CARMA Seminar - 3PM PSC 2136  
Pals=Planetary Astronomy Late-afternoon Seminar - Mon. 2PM
== Space ==
SCRPS=[ Space and Cosmic Ray Physics Seminar] - Mon. 4:30PM CSS 2400
Weather ==
* UMdObs=[ Univ. of Md. Observatory open houses] - (301)405-6555 - 5th & 20th 8PM (Nov.-April) or 9PM (May-Oct.) (Metzerott Rd.)
AMS=[ American Meteorological Society]
* NCA=[ National Capital Astronomers] - 2nd Sat. 7:30PM UMd. Observatory (Metzerott Rd.)
NOAA=[ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] -  (1305 East-West Hwy. Silver Spring, Md. 20910 & 5830 University Research Ct. College Park, Md. 20740) (possible nuisance security; may require advance notice)
* NoVAC=[ Northern Virginia Astronomy Club] - 2nd Sun. 7PM GMU Research Hall Room 163
* GMUObs=[ George Mason Univ. Observatory] - Research Hall
* TPS=[ The Planetary Society] - [email protected]
* ISUSC=[ International Space University Space Cafe] - 7PM 2nd Tue. Brixton (901 U St. NW)
* ASG=[ Astronomical Society of Greenbelt] - last Thur. 7:30PM
* HAL=[ Howard Astronomical League] - 3rd Thur. 7PM Robinson Nature Center downstairs (6692 Cedar La. Columbia, Md. 21044 (410)313-0400)
* NASM=[ National Air & Space Museum] - (202)633-1000 (WNIA?=What's New in Aerospace?)
* [ Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Colloquium] (restricted access; not included in list)
* STScI=[ Space Telescope Science Institute] - 1st Tue. 8PM (3700 San Martin Dr. Baltimore, Md. 21218 (410)338-4700
* UMdSS=UMd. space seminar
** [ Astronomy]
** AC=Astronomy Colloquia - Wed. 4:05PM CSS 2400
** BANG=Better Astronomy for a New Generation - Thur. 4PM PSC 1136
** CTC=CTC Theory Lunch - Mon. 11AM PSC 1136
** LCS=LMA/CARMA Seminar - 3PM PSC 2136  
** Pals=Planetary Astronomy Late-afternoon Seminar - Mon. 2PM
** SCRPS=[ Space and Cosmic Ray Physics Seminar] - Mon. 4:30PM CSS 2400
== Weather ==
* AMS=[ American Meteorological Society]
* NOAA=[ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] -  (1305 East-West Hwy. Silver Spring, Md. 20910 & 5830 University Research Ct. College Park, Md. 20740) (possible nuisance security; may require advance notice)

Revision as of 23:02, 14 September 2019

This is the "instruction manual" for the Area science event list - a calendar / schedule of upcoming events. This is an incomplete list of science events (talks and science fairs; excluding book, article, or movie discussions, workshops, and events focused on finance rather than science) in the Washington area and at the STScI and BUGSS in Baltimore. Only free events are listed but registration, a free ticket, or other advance arrangements may be required (noted when known). Normal times and locations for events are given below but note that there may be exceptions. Warning: All events are subject to change with no warning. Send additions, corrections, comments, etc. to: [email protected] Cafe Scientifique - CI=Carnegie Institute CSE=[ Capital Science Evenings] - 6:45PM Carnegie Institute (1530 P St. NW Washington, D.C. 20005) (registration required) NLS=[ Neighborhood Lecture Series] - 6:30PM Broad Branch Road Campus (5251 Broad Branch Rd. NW Washington, D.C. 20015) (registration recommended) DASER=[ DC Art Science Evening Rendezvous] - 6PM (registration and photo ID required) DCSC=[ D.C. Science Cafe] - 6:30PM Busboys and Poets (1025 5th St. NW (5th & K St.) Washington, D.C. 20001 (202)789-BBAP [ HacDC] - (202)556-4225 - 7:30PM St. Stephen & the Incarnation Episcopal Church 2nd floor (1525 Newton St. NW Washington, D.C. 20010 LDPL=[ The Labs at DC Public Library] LFV=Little Falls Village - (301) 320-3267 - 1:30PM Little Falls Library NAS=[ National Academy of Sciences] [ Division on Earth and Life Studies] NCAS=[ National Capital Area Skeptics] - (240)670-NCAS - 1:30PM [ Nerd Nite DC] [ Nerds in NoMa] - 6:30PM 1200 1st St. NE (1st & M St.) Washington, D.C. PSW=[ Philosophical Society of Washington] - 8PM John Wesley Powell Auditorium (left of Cosmos Club 2170 Florida Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20008) RSC=[ Rockville Science Center] - (240)FUN-8111 RSC=Rockville Science Cafe - 3rd Tue. 7PM Crossroads BBQ & Grill (387 E. Gude Dr. Rockville, Md. 20850 ST=Science Tuesdays <nowiki>*YASC=Young Adult Science Cafe Rockville Science Day - April noon Montgomery College (51 Mannakee St. Rockville, Md. 20850) TBC=The Bowen Center for the Study of the Family - 4400 MacArthur Boulevard, NW Suite 103, Washington, DC 20007-2521 UMdSoT=Science on Tap - ([email protected], (301) 405-5845 - MilkBoy ArtHouse 7416 Baltimore Ave., College Park, Md. 20740 - registration) Biology ASub=American Society for Microbiology MAH=Microbes After Hours - (1752 N St. NW) (registration) BUGSS=Baltimore Under Ground Science Space - (410)732-0947 (101 N. Haven St. Suite 105 Baltimore, Md. 21224) HHMI=Howard Hughes Medical Institute - Janelia Research Campus (19700 Helix Dr. Ashburn, Va. 20147 (571)209-4000) (ticket required) IBBR=Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research (UMd.) SCBI=Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (National Zoo) UMdBpS=Univ. of Md. Biophysics Seminars - Mon. 4PM IPST 1116 UMdBS=Univ. of Md. biology seminars (also see IBBR) ANSC=Animal & Avian Science Seminar ATRIUM=Arabidopsis thaliana Research Initiative at UMd. BBS=BISI-BEES Seminar BCBMS=BISI-CBBG and BISI-MOCB Seminar BCS=BISI-CBBG Seminar BEES=Behaviour, Ecology, Evolution and Systematics BYOB=Bring Your Own Bioinformatics CBBG=Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, and Genomics CBCB=Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology CBG=Computational Biology and Genomics CBMG=Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics CSC=Cognitive Science Colloquium EC=Entomology Colloquium EGS=Evo-Gen Seminar ENTM=Entomology Seminar GEMS=Genetics with Eukaryotic Model Systems ICRS=Integrative Cancer Research Seminar MOCB=Molecular and Cellular Biology PSL=Plant Science Lecture PSS=Plant Science Seminar RIP=Research in Progress RIPT=Research in Progress Talks VMSS=VetMed Seminar Chemistry UMdCS=Univ. of Md. chemistry seminar SS=Student Seminar CSW=Chemical Society of Washington WCDG=Washington Chromotography Discussion Group Engineering UMdEgS=University of Md. engineering seminar series Mechanical Engineering CBmES=Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering FDRS=Fluid Dynamics Review series BeS=Bioengineering AsES=Aerospace Engineering Seminar WBMSDG=Washington-Baltimore Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group Environment-Geology BNC=Brookside Nature Center - (1400 Glenallan Ave. Silver Spring, Md. 20902 (301)962-1480) GLMSMC=Gem, Lapidary, and Mineral Society of Montgomery County, MD., Inc. - 7:30PM 2nd Monday Rockville Senior Center (1150 Carnation Dr. Rockville, Md.) MNC=Meadowside Nature Center - (5100 Meadowside La. Rockville, Md. 20858 (301)258-4030) UMdES - Univ. of Md. environment seminar ACBBT=Atmospheric Chemistry Brown Bag Talk - Friday CSS 3400 DS=AOSC Departmental Seminar - Thursday 3:30PM CSS 2400, ESSIC=Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center Seminar - Monday noon M-Square 4102, SS=AOSC Student Seminar - Tuesday 3:30PM CSS 3400 UMdGcS=Univ. of Md. Geochemistry Seminars - Wed. 11AM CHEM 0215 UMdGS=Univ. of Md. Geology Seminars - Fri. 3PM PLS 1140 PtSW=Paleontological Society of Washington - 3rd Wed. 7PM National Museum of Natural History room E-304 Math DCAPS=DC-Area Anonymity, Privacy, and Security Seminar MAA=Mathematical Society of America - Carriage House (1781 Church St. NW Washington, D.C. 20036 (202)319-8476) (registration) UMdCSS= Univ. of Md. computer science seminars and talks CATS=Capital Area Theory Seminar CLIP=Computational Linguistics and Information Processing HCIL=Human-Computer Interaction Lab QuICS=Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science Seminar UMdMS=Univ. of Md. math seminars ANT=Algebra-Number Theory D=Dynamics GT=Geometry-Topology LGRT-Lie Groups and Representation Theory, NA=Numerical Analysis Misc. TOOOL-DC=The Open Organisation of Lockpickers - 1st Wed. The Board Room (1737 Conn. Ave. NW Washington, D.C.) Physics APS=American Physical Society - 3rd Wed. 1PM American Center for Physics (1 Physics Ellipse College Park, Md. 20740 (301)209-3000) UMdPS=Univ. of Md. physics seminars ADS=Applied Dynamics Seminar CNAM=Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials CMTC=Condensed Matter Theory Center DSTL=Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Lecture GPS=Gravitational Physics Seminar HEP=High Energy Physics ISP=Informal Statistical Physics JQCS=JQI-QuICS-CMTC Seminar JQI=Joint Quantum Institute LPS=Laboratory for Physical Sciences MSES=MSE Seminar NPS=Nuclear Physics Seminar NTS=Nuclear Theory Seminar PPS=Plasma Physics Seminar QuICS-see UMdCSS SPS=Space Physics Seminar Space UMdObs=Univ. of Md. Observatory open houses - (301)405-6555 - 5th & 20th 8PM (Nov.-April) or 9PM (May-Oct.) (Metzerott Rd.) NCA=National Capital Astronomers - 2nd Sat. 7:30PM UMd. Observatory (Metzerott Rd.) NoVAC=Northern Virginia Astronomy Club - 2nd Sun. 7PM GMU Research Hall Room 163 GMUObs=George Mason Univ. Observatory - Research Hall TPS=The Planetary Society - [email protected] ISUSC=International Space University Space Cafe - 7PM 2nd Tue. Brixton (901 U St. NW) ASG=Astronomical Society of Greenbelt - last Thur. 7:30PM HAL=Howard Astronomical League - 3rd Thur. 7PM Robinson Nature Center downstairs (6692 Cedar La. Columbia, Md. 21044 (410)313-0400) NASM=National Air & Space Museum - (202)633-1000 (WNIA?=What's New in Aerospace?) Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Colloquium (restricted access; not included in list) STScI=Space Telescope Science Institute - 1st Tue. 8PM (3700 San Martin Dr. Baltimore, Md. 21218 (410)338-4700 UMdSS=UMd. space seminar Astronomy AC=Astronomy Colloquia - Wed. 4:05PM CSS 2400 BANG=Better Astronomy for a New Generation - Thur. 4PM PSC 1136 CTC=CTC Theory Lunch - Mon. 11AM PSC 1136 LCS=LMA/CARMA Seminar - 3PM PSC 2136 Pals=Planetary Astronomy Late-afternoon Seminar - Mon. 2PM SCRPS=Space and Cosmic Ray Physics Seminar - Mon. 4:30PM CSS 2400 Weather == AMS=American Meteorological Society NOAA=National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - (1305 East-West Hwy. Silver Spring, Md. 20910 & 5830 University Research Ct. College Park, Md. 20740) (possible nuisance security; may require advance notice) </nowiki>