## So for anyone interested, here's what I did to turn the raw footage into ## snippets that worked ok for youtube. ffmpeg -ss 3848 -t 200 -i Zi019728.MOV -r 30 -s 640x360 -sameq sb4_pop.mp4 ffmpeg -ss 2565 -t 135 -i Zi6_9728.MOV -r 30 -s 640x360 -sameq sb4_launch.mp4 ## -ss x seeks to second x ## -t x gives duration in seconds ## -r 30 is 30 frames per second (b/c ours was recorded in 60fps) ## -s 640x360 is one of the sizes that youtube wants to import natively ## -sameq keeps the quality the same (maximum!) b/c it's going to get owned by Youtube's compression so we want to give them our best ## Just thought you'd like to know! ## -- Elliot.